Metaphysical Insight
Nice To Meet You
Hi, welcome to my site/sight. Metaphysics and writing have always been my passion. Ever since I was a child I have thought in principle. Everything I take in; I strip right back to its first principle to find the core truth for I believe what is true for one is true for all for we are One being many.
I was four years old when I promised whatever powers that Be that I would not die in vain but live Thy truth rather than my truth. These were not the words I used but they were the sentiment. I knew then I would be a metaphysical writer and that it will take years of living to write about the principles of life within and outside of form. Now here I am.
I write by inspiration, intuition and experience. The following pages of this site are inspired by proverbs that I lived while journeying the road less travelled. May they illuminate you as they did me.
Love Tracy