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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


"I dreamed of you. I dreamed you were wandering in the dark, and so was I. We found each other. We found each other in the dark." - The Green Mile

The true Self Aka (I) Spiritual Consciousness works through the activity of the one true and eternal Soul (Am) which in turn works upon its instrument - the Subconscious Mind (Am) Aka Human Soul.

The Human Soul (Subconscious) is temporary Temple not made with hands, meaning it did not create itself - the true Self did and is, both directly through true images and indirectly though false images.

It is a proven fact that the Subconscious is aware or knows what you are going to do, think and be, before you are consciously (As the Conscious Mind Aka thoughts) aware of it.

As thought - as the I of Mind Consciousness, you are merely there to witness the unfoldment the Spiritual I working through the Am of the eternal Soul and the Am of the temporary Human Soul. Aka Present Moment. The unmanifest activity of the eternal Soul and the manifested activity of the Human Soul constitute the Present Moment.

You as the I of Mind Consciousness, are not to indirectly take in information via the senses which inspires you to create false images (Egoic images of thought) but are to be still and be guided directly by the true images given via the Pure Christ/Buddha Mind, that is still and present within the Temple (Subconscious) resting in peace (RIP).

If you as the I of the Conscious Mind (Temporary I) are not resting within your Subconscious Temple as Present Moment Awareness, it is because you have risen out of your Temple in the creation of False images (Thinking) and are no longer present to receive intuition Aka guidance from your Spirit I -the eternal I.

This is why Jesus speaks of leavened and unleavened bread. Unleavened is bread that has no rising agent in it such as yeast. Leavened bread has yeast it in it - causing one to rise out of the Temple where one's daily bread is given. Do you see?

So, this brings us back to the Meme, when we are sleeping our conscious mind is resting within the subconscious albeit unconscious at the time, however through dreams Spirit (and our loved ones - same Difference) speaks to us - guiding us while our guard is done. It is trying to love us in ways we cannot love ourselves.

The Subconscious if you like is pre-programmed by your true Self to live life to its fullest. Let it. Let life be. Simply behold the glory of the true Self through and as Present Moment Awareness.

"Live life by inspiration and let life be a revelation" - Eileen Caddy

~ Love Tracy

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