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Writer's picture: Tracy PierceTracy Pierce

The Egoic Mind, which is unconscious of itself as Spiritual Consciousness, tries to create life through thinking. The True Mind remains still, allowing Spirit to flow through one's mind held as an Awareness of Being (Singular) that imbue their mind with claircognizance. It is not for Effect (Which is Mind Consciousness) to create life via thinking. It is for Cause (Spirit - one's true Consciousness) to create. It is the job of Mind Consciousness to reveal life. Not create it. The mind learns it's proper place once the true Self is revealed consciously - when the master returns to the house.

The mind cannot serve that which it has no consciousness of. Therefore, we must become conscious of ourselves as Awareness Aka Soul first and foremost. It is ONLY through being conscious of being the Awareness of the Subconscious, the Present Moment and the Soul which are all differentiations of one another that we as Mind Consciousness realizes its true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit.

The hardest part I have found along this journey is the tempering and purifying of the Subconscious Temple (That which reincarnates and is often referred to as the human Soul). If Subconscious tendencies or Vasanas are still operating in our Consciousness of Mind, they will push the Conscious Mind out of its Temple through causing it to rise in thought. The Subconscious must be brought to peace, before the Conscious Mind can rest in peace with it, dying to itself so that it is born again of Spirit.

The mentalist - he that identifies experientially as the Mind, tries to use the power of Spirit. The Zen or Christ, he that identifies as the Impersonal allows itself to be used. The ego says I do not want to give my power away to something other than myself. The Christ mind recognizes Spirit as being his/her true Self and operates from this dimension of being. When we are conscious of the fact that we have no power of our own as Mind Consciousness, then the power becomes great within us.

There are some that are barely conscious of themselves Spiritually and then there are some that are highly conscious. Most in today's world only know themselves mentally and physically therefore are limited in their demonstrations to the realms of effect. Once they know themselves as Cause, they will have power over effect. Thought cannot control thought. The Mind cannot control itself for very long or very well. Only Spirit can do that. Once this is realized, and we surrender to the greater consciousness within us that has been realized over time, we suffer a lot less as we continue our ascension multidimensionally for where once we were blind, now we see.

When personal consciousness disassociates itself from form we can then, by degree, be present with and AS Spirit. No longer contained by differentiation within form, that limits our consciousness - our spiritual vision, we now have our full sight, thereby realizing or recognizing our true Being beyond the mental and physical. We establish this condition of consciousness through meditation and silence - through being as deeply present in the moment as possible. So present that we forget ourselves and become the moment, just as we do when we are in our Zone. We forget ourselves in our bliss, caught up in being whatever we are doing. Over time, in this still quiescent and intuitive manner our presence of being deepens in ways you cannot imagine or fathom within the limited consciousness you are currently identifying with and experiencing.

When Consciousness becomes conscious of itself as Awareness - as Soul on its many different levels of Being, it sooner or later becomes Conscious of its true Consciousness allowing the I of Mind and the I of Spirit to become One.

The only way to reach these depths of being is through aloneness, undistracted by the things of this world. Consciousness must be freed from the distractions of this world to know its inner world. Consciousness (Spirit) must be free to know itself as Awareness (Soul). Practice mindfulness. Be in the present moment as Awareness rather than the thinking Mind. This simply means being in the moment, feeling it, rather than thinking it. When sitting down to meditate, again let yourself be aware of all without judging Aka thinking. In both instances practice being as deeply relaxed as possible, with no expectations - this is vital to all meditation practices including Mindfulness.

"Being can only be felt, it cannot be thought" - Eckhart Tolle.

At the end of the day, a mentally still mind, that is deeply present (I) in the moment as a hyper-alert Awareness (Am) that is felt, (rather than being lost in your thoughts) is the mind that realizes the true I of Spirit. Once the I of Mind and the I of Spirit are seeing I to I, one forever lives under and as Grace. Grace being the total alignment of all aspects of Being.

~ Tracy Pierce

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