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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


When the Conscious Mind (That which we think & identify with), through its own evolution as the Alpha (Spirit) within and as the Omega (Form) begins to awaken or self-realize, it will first become conscious of being the Awareness Aka Human Soul of itself subconsciously. All the unconscious aspects of its Being within and as the Subconscious, such as latent karma filled Vasana's must be purified and tempered before walking through the door to behold one's true Self as the true Awareness (Soul) of one's true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit.

An important understanding to have about the Subconscious Aka Human Soul is that it always in all ways lives in and as the present moment. All is mind - we live in a mental universe. Everyone's Subconscious Mind Aka Human Soul collectively constitutes the physicality of the Present Moment. The animation of that Present Moment is due to the One true Unmanifest Soul (Am) behind it that in turn is the expression of the one and eternal Spirit (I). In other words, the true Self 'I AM' uphold the temporal Temple (Mind) that is also referred to as 'I am' due to being born in the likeness of its true Self as Spirit. Hence our true name as I am that I am.

This means the conscious mind must maintain an inner stillness, a meditative state of being if it is to join with the Subconscious in order to make conscious all that is unconscious within it. This of course is meditation and/or mindfulness.

~ Love Tracy

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