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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


There are a few times during the day or week we are just consciously aware without attending a sense object such as thoughts, feelings, or their manifestations. We are not thinking, we are not lost in thought. Rather we are just conscious of being aware. We are just life witnessing life as life. We are just there. Just being. Notice this state of being. Become conscious of being aware and stay like that!

Hold that state of mind. Stay conscious of being the Awareness without becoming lost in thinking, for that is your true nature: Consciousness (I) being Awareness (Am). I Am - without the I am this or I am that. Simply stay as I am. Consciousness is your true mind, your true intelligence, your presence of being behind your Awareness is your true body, though this body is formless and undifferentiated. It is your heart, your sense of loving and being that has the ability to connect you to all beings and non-beings.

Hold your mind as one thought. Think and feel I am, hold that I am-ness as one state of mind. Keep holding this feeling of I am-ness that is one thought, until all sense of I am at all is gone. Until you are no longer in the moment but the moment itself. Lose yourself in Thy Self which is the totality of Being undifferentiated. While your mind is in this one pointed, focused, and relaxed state, your sense of Awareness deepens in and as the moment, going from the awareness of the subconscious to the awareness of the Incarnate Soul to the one true and eternal Awareness of Soul that is One with your true and eternal Consciousness. In other words, your personal I am-ness that is temporary (Temple) is being swallowed up and embodied by your true and eternal I am-ness. This process is Self-Realization.

This staying as one thought that is heartfelt, is the beginning of your journey back home. If you give it time and stay present in this awareness, your consciousness as the vessel or mind, will expand into ever deeper into dimensions of being that you never knew existed.

The reason you have not become aware of the Spiritual Dimension yet is because your Consciousness, your presence of being has been lost to thought and emotions as well as their subsequent manifestations that arise from them, thereby veiling the true Self as Awareness. Your Consciousness cannot be in thought and in the Present Moment of your Temple receiving Spiritual guidance at the same time. One must choose their master. One must choose what is going to lead them in life: their mind or Spirit. Personally, which of course the mind is, I have found that the mind has done nothing but led me astray and into all sorts of trouble.

Understand that by virtue of your very presence - by putting your Consciousness in these egoic thoughts and emotions, you have been creating and giving life to them in the physical. Consciousness, even as the Vessel - as the mind, gives life to whatever it is conscious of. Deeply realize this. Whatever you give your Conscious Awareness to you will give life too, whether it is the truth (Originating from Spirit) or a lie (Originating from mind). The question, therefore, arises, will you give life to your egoic thoughts, or will you give life to Awareness aka your Soul and the Soul of the world?

Give being present in the awareness of the Soul aka the Now, rather than thought, a try. Be amazed at how much more gets done in this state of being, than if you had taken thought; manipulated, hustled, considered, deliberated, projected, remembered etc. Let thought go and let the moment be so that your higher Self, your Soul, in and of Spirit may come through the mind’s Conscious Awareness, giving you all the added things to fulfil your life's purpose.

Being is the new thinking. Thinking is the absence of being in the same way darkness if the absence of light. You believe thinking is powerful, but it is not real power, as it originates from the mental realm, that admittedly is impressive, however not nearly as impressive as one's true power which is Spirit. Let Spirit lead the mind rather than the mind leading the mind.

Just be aware while conscious of it. Be your true Self as Soul being Spirit. Be open minded and open hearted. Stay like that. Stay aware, stay awake. Do not allow your mind to rise into a stream of thought, for thinking will render you unconscious - it will put you to sleep, and you will dream of a reality that is not real.

Stay aware and awake and you will be led intuitively by Faith under Grace. Grace is the alignment of all aspects of your being allowing Life to flow through you unchecked. There is no power equal to it. It is all-powerful. Impressions will come to mind that will leave you with a sense of knowing (Faith) whatever it is you need to know for the moment at hand. Knowing translates itself into knowledge at certain times for you to create mental images of, in order to feed into the subconscious and out into the world to experience physically.

Be amazed at how much more gets done and how much better it is done, in this state of conscious awareness than if you had taken thought for it or manipulated it to serve what you 'personally' desire. Thought derived from the mental as opposed to the Spiritual realm never serves the whole. It only serves itself. Spirit is the whole. It is impersonal.

~ Tracy Pierce

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