What happens to me when I die - where do I go?
You go nowhere for you are Consciousness that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. You cannot go anywhere because there is no where you are not. It is your level of Consciousness that changes depicting a change in illusion therefore scenery. For Mind Aka Effect is all about illusion through differentiation.
You could liken this to being in a huge dark warehouse, with one tiny light above your head, allowing you to see only an inch in front of you. Dying is like being in this warehouse and all the lights come on, showing reality to be what it is. For some only a few lights come on. For others the whole warehouse can light up. Therefore, nothing changes, yet everything changes.
Ones level of Consciousness, depending on how evolved the instrument is that the true Self is looking through and as, changes. It either expands, restricts, or stays the same. If the instrument, that the true Self as Cause is tuning lifetime after lifetime, is highly evolved the true Self is beginning to see and realize itself as the Cause living through the Effect, allowing its Consciousness to expand from the personal into the impersonal. This means the instrument becomes lighter and lighter in energy, seeing it expand in consciousness to the higher realms. Eventually one will give up the ghost so to speak and re-joins as the One, only to fall from Grace, into Effect again in the delicious delightfulness of creation that sees us dream as the dream.
If one is highly evolved, one knows their true Self as Cause living through and as an instrument of Effect, allowing this One, a higher degree of Consciousness - freedom. If One being one of the many, is less evolved, the true Self will not recognize itself beyond the Vessel (Mind/body). confusing itself with the instrument of its creation, therefore will be limited (less free) in consciousness which of course creates karma that helps the instrument (Mind/body Consciousness) through suffering to evolve and realize itself in and as the Effect of itself as Cause.
Birds of a feather flock together, meaning instruments experiencing the same level of Consciousness (illusion) gravitate to the same realms of Consciousness, beyond the mental and physical realms and there are many realms in Effect Aka Mind. Those that are of the same level of Consciousness gather together on the same realm. We call them Soul family. So, depending on your level of Consciousness you will either rise in Consciousness or stay the same with may varying degrees in between.
Death is not an end but a transition - an expansion or limitation of Consciousness that leave us forgetting or remembering previous lives including this one. Remember there are two sets of Consciousness - the true Unmanifest Self - I am and the temporary Temple Consciousness that is the manifest - I am. Hence thy name is I am that I am. Consciousness is both Unmanifest as the true Self (I AM) and it is Mind Consciousness (I am) as the Manifest. Bear in mind the Manifest is ever changing into different forms or different costumes for the One being many.
So, take heart in knowing your sense of 'I am-ness' or 'I exist' is always with you as it is you. You can always say I am this or I am that, but you will never be able to say I am not. Not even in unconsciousness. Even though the 'I am' of the Vessel (Mind) is an illusion, you will retain it after death for you are the true 'I AM' living through and as it. The more conscious you become the more you will realize you are both Cause (Unmanifest Alpha) and Effect (Manifest Omega).
Self-Realization is when the I of Spirit - which is the true and eternal Unmanifest Self, has evolved and attuned the instrument (Mind/body) so finely that it becomes like a mirror, allowing the true Self, to realize itself - which it always was and has been throughout all its lives lived in ignorance of this truth.
When one dies in the physical, most will lose consciousness to begin with, as one would when they faint in shock lol - for it is a shocking moment to be sure for most - except perhaps for the sage that sees it merely as a change of costume. The sage will run around the cosmos naked and joyful - completely free to enter and be any dream. Once one regains consciousness, loved ones within the illusion of the Mind gather to welcome the one that died in the physical to their new state of being, just as we do in this life when one is born. We gather and celebrate the new life within our life - our consciousness.
Depending on the level of Consciousness regarding the instrument, one will either remember this life - or not.
You cannot remember this life after it is over any more than you can remember previous lives before this one due to consciousness being localized - limited. It is a container than can only contain so much. However, each realm of yourself is a container within a container, like Russian dolls, so depending on how Conscious you are of being the true Self, you will be able to recall past lives, reliving them until they are the perfect reflection of Thy true Self that is already established outside of illusion or mind.
To clear up any confusion - you exist in and as every realm of being, as Consciousness as I pointed out earlier is omnipresent, regardless of whether it the cause being effect is conscious of this or not.
As I said earlier, consciousness cannot go anywhere because it is everywhere at once, therefore you exist on every realm of being, both in illusion and outside of it. You as Consciousness in this realm, will still live life in the mental and physical however you as Consciousness will be living impersonally rather than personally. You are both remember. You are the personal instrument that is effect and the impersonal that is Cause, even if as Effect that is localized and personal, you do not know yourself as Cause. Your level of Consciousness may not be aware (active) of this, however it is true, nonetheless.
Understand due to Mind Consciousness being localized, it can only be conscious within its limitations. Therefore, this world upon passing will feel like a dream if it is remembered at all for those whose are still heavily identified as the instrument. If however you are close to realizing the Self, you will know thy self as the impersonal (Cause) of this world that is affect effect. For example, to bring comfort to a loved one who is experiencing the passing of someone close, the impersonal Self will direct itself as butterflies or some other sign in and as effect to let the person know that I am okay - I live yet not I.
On a side note, for the sake of clarity, Consciousness without awareness is Consciousness sleeping. Awareness is the activity of Consciousness. Awareness is the Soul - the Am of the I. The body of Spirit. Consciousness sleeps when it is (In illusion) separated from itself as Awareness. The I of mind separates it. The less the mind the more one is free from the illusion of mind.
I know this is all mind boggling. It was for me translating it from knowing into knowledge, however the main principle or point is this: relax and be assured that those that you feel were taken from you or that you lost - haven’t gone anywhere and are never lost. Likewise, you will never cease to exist. Your consciousness is merely under the illusion of differentiation (Mind) - whereby it wakes and sleeps, sleeps, and wakes. And while sleeping One’s dreams are sometimes dreams that take the form of a nightmare - but One always in all ways as the true Unmanifest Consciousness wakes up and beholds reality - realizing that no one can be lost or taken from you as the ONE being many. Understand Self-Realization is destiny - it is fate and cannot be escaped. By anyone.
“This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.” - Rumi
~ Tracy Pierce