What makes you self (I) aware (Am) is your separation between the I and the Am of your being. The I Aka Conscious Mind (Thought) witnesses the Am Heart) of the Subconscious Mind, even though they are One. Likewise you as Awareness watch (Awareness which is felt) are aware yourself thinking as Consciousness. Of course. The Mind is like this because it is a pure reflection or clone of the true Unmanifest Self. However, bear in mind, just as the body can do nothing without Mind instructing, so it is with Effect (Mind/Body/Manifest/Omega) in relation to Cause (Spirit/Absolute/Unmanifest/Alpha)
The (I) of the Conscious mind which creates thought, rolls out of the (AM) of the Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind is a physical reflection or embodiment of true and eternal Self that is Soul (AM) - Spirit (I). The Conscious Mind, not realizing it is still an empty vessel through not having realized its true Self, goes on to egoically defile the living Temple Aka Subconscious Mind so that years of Karma ensue to rebalance what became unbalanced. Such is life - the balancing between two poles on every dimension of Being.
One apperceives as the Subconscious, Mind, but you perceive as the Conscious mind. See if you can know the difference? One is felt and one is thought.
The Conscious Mind is meant to be a Witness, not a creator of Life. One's true Consciousness living through the Awareness of our Being is the Cause -the Creator. The Mind/body as Effect reveals this creation, or is meant too.
Apperception (Subconscious)
the mental process by which a person makes sense of an idea by assimilating it to the body of ideas he or she already possesses.
Perception (Conscious Mind)
the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
"the normal limits to human perception"
the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
"Hollywood's perception of the tastes of the American public"
At the moment you identify as the Conscious Mind which is what you use to think with. You are aware of being this Consciousness but as Consciousness (Thought) you are not conscious of being this Awareness (Soul), hence why the Subconscious is unconscious to you.
You must as the Consciousness of Mind become conscious of yourself as Awareness - Subconsciously first, which will allow you the opportunity to heal parts of your Subconscious Mind that causes karma.. Then you come to know Thy Self as the Awareness of the Present Moment, then as the Awareness of Soul (Am) being Spirit (I) - the true Unmanifest Self.
While the Conscious mind is caught up in its own thoughts, it will not become conscious of itself as this Awareness, which leads it to Self-Realization. This is why being as deeply present in and of the Moment is absolutely fundamental and necessary to Awakening.
When the I and the Am of Mind have come together as One, they become the perfect conduit for the true Self as the Unmanifest to express itself through.
~ Tracy Pierce