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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


When you are not thinking, when you are not caught up in thought, who or what are you?

The spaces between those thoughts - what are you?

There are many times during the day you are not thinking nor are you caught up in the physical product of thought. Who or what are you then?

These are the questions you need to ask yourself in your quest for the ultimate truth of your existence.

You are Conscious Awareness - you are Spirit that has a Soul (body) and you have reflected yourself in the son aka Mind. The conscious mind reflects Spirit (Nonconceptual Consciousness) and the subconscious mind reflects your Soul within the One Soul (Undifferentiated Awareness) that is an expression of Spirit. You as the son (mind) was born in the image of its parents; your Spirit and Soul and in turn are a combination of the Monad or Godhead which is simply the two of them combined. That’s creation in a simplistic nutshell. Thought I have differentiated them, they are of course One. One being. One multidimensional existence

Of course, I can, like many others before me, have told you all this, but eventually you must discover this for yourself, for my word is not and should not be good enough for you. Your understanding of truth must be experiential - not second hand. Only ever - under all circumstances are you to follow your own heart, your own path to truth. Never anyone else's. Ever.

At the moment you will feel there is two of you, hence why some say I cannot live with myself, or I don't understand myself, insinuating two. This of course is perfectly understandable for in a sense there is when one is caught up in the ego or false sense of self. This is what the Spiritual path is about - becoming One, not just individually but collectively too. In fact, on more levels than you are currently aware of.

You are Conscious Awareness that takes the name I AM (Spirit/Soul) that I am (mind). The first I am, is Nonconceptual and undifferentiated (Cause), while the second I am, is differentiated (Effect) which is Spirit/Soul reflecting itself in and as the form of the reincarnated Soul that in turn reflects itself in the physical as the conscious mind (Spirit or Consciousness) and subconscious (Soul or Awareness).

I am this and I am that sometimes is the land of effect whereas all the time and outside of time I AM, is cause.

Rather than give yourself as consciousness to THINGS (such as thoughts for thoughts are things - form), give your mind's consciousness to your true Self that is Awareness, which is formless, living ever in the moment - undifferentiated, unfettered, and free.

Be conscious of being awareness. Bring your Spirit together as One with your own Soul and live under Grace which is the total alignment of all aspects of impersonal being. (Life) Monad<Spirit>Soul>Mind>Body>Monad (Life). All flowing together, living under grace with faith. Faith is knowing what to do be think and say in each and every moment without having to take thought from the tree of knowledge.

If your mind is conscious of being Awareness, your mind will manifest the truth, rather than your personal (egoic) idea of it. All you have to do is become conscious of being Awareness. This requires keeping your consciousness present in your own awareness that apperceives the moment and all that happens within it, including thoughts and actions. Apperception is living outside of thought as the witness while perception of thought is living as and in thought. In other words, have the experience of Being Spirit. This is done when the mind focuses on its own depth of being as Soul, as opposed to identifying with mind and body.

Know thyself beyond thought.

~ Tracy Pierce

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