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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


Soul is the body of Spirit or put another way Awareness is the activity of Consciousness. The Consciousness of mind is an instrument (Temple meaning temporary vessel) for the Consciousness of Spirit. They meet and merge (become One) through and as the Soul aka Awareness. The Soul in all its differentiations is the Subconscious - Incarnate Soul - Present Moment.

Therefore, in order for the Consciousness of Mind (Our present sense of I am-ness) to realize its true Self as Spiritual Consciousness (Its true, eternal, and full I am-ness) it must be present in its own Soul aka Awareness aka Present Moment. Only be being present in the Moment as the Presence of it, can the Consciousness of Spirit be revealed to the Consciousness of Mind.

If the Consciousness of Mind is caught up in its own thoughts, feelings, and manifestations about reality aka The Present Moment, then it is clearly absent in the Present Moment itself, therefore, it will not be conscious/Present for any revelations such as intuition and inspiration. It will remain unconscious of itself as Spiritual Consciousness, therefore, will continue to falsely identify as Mind while praying amiss or put another way - using the mind amiss.

The minds true state is that of Being, rather than thinking. Thinking should only occupy at most 10% of our minds mental output - not 99% as it is now. The thinking mind talks, the being mind listens. The Being mind cannot hear anything above the thinking mind.

Everyone's subconscious is collectively the Present Moment. Everyone's Conscious Mind (The I am of Mind) is the localized Consciousness that lives within it as it. The Conscious Mind is meant to heal and purify the Subconscious, which is a vessel for the Incarnate Soul, by being present in it while guided by its Spiritual Consciousness that it has access too when Present in and as the Moment. One's Consciousness as Mind deepens within its Awareness of the Subconscious, Incarnate Soul, and Present Moment until it finally meets the One true and Eternal Soul being its true Self as Spirit. This is when communion between Mind and Spiritual Consciousness becomes union aka Self-Realization.

One's Consciousness of Mind cannot expand or deepen while it is in its own thoughts, giving them life instead of its own Soul. When the Consciousness of Mind traps itself in its own thoughts, it causes unnatural emotions to rise which in turn cause unnatural manifestation to superimpose themselves on and in our body and the body of the world physically.

When we stay out of our self-created thoughts, we allow our Spiritual Consciousness to create life while we as Mind Consciousness reveals it. We can reveal it because we are now conscious of it through being in reality (the present moment) as opposed to our mind-created thoughts.

~ Tracy Pierce

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