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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce

EvoL+ve = Positive Love

"Depression isn't always dark rooms and crying endlessly. Sometimes it's getting up and going to work, smiling and laughing all day, and then coming home to sit quietly doing little or nothing until it's time to go to bed" – Unknown

Taking the hard and high road by saying you only have yourself to blame for your problems in life is redundant. We are all subject to the universal mind. All of us think. All of us suffer and make others suffer, in the name of those thoughts. Everyone's heart is in pain to one degree or another. Every Soul weeps. Life is seriously hard. It breaks us all (as it is meant to) to one degree or another until we learn to surrender to life rather than live egoically, against it. Until we learn how to allow our truth to rise up in us, we all hurt.

"Our prime purpose in life is to help others and if you can help them then at least don't hurt them" - Dalia Lama

So, let's not if we can help it, hurt each other & just as importantly, ourselves more than we need to. Understand that the more tolerance and understanding we give to others, we give to ourselves, for we cannot forgive and be tolerant of others what we cannot not forgive and tolerate within ourselves. Life is all about becoming more conscious, which in most cases entails suffering, for the death of the ego is never a pretty or easy thing. Love is the only real thing that heals.

If people don't want to change, do as Rumi says, leave them be, wish them the best & go your way. "Let those who do not want to change, sleep" – Rumi

Be kind - sometimes it can mean the difference between life & death, both literally and metaphorically.

~ Tracy Pierce

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