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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


Faith is another word for Clair-cognizance or knowing. Faith flows forth from the I AM of the true Self to the I am of Mind, when all aspects of one's being are aligned and working together as One, under and as Grace.

The pearl of great price is a Peace that passes all understanding (Meaning beyond mind) when One is living by Faith through Grace. One's true nature as Spirit being Soul is a contented and gentle bliss that guides the mind towards its true purpose while providing all the added things in this lifetime to aid it.

This Faith and Grace of Spirit is demonstrated and experienced in a being mind and lost in the thinking mind.

YOU are the I of the true Self. Now this I can be used to create and take thought through being inspired via the senses feeding you information from the outer-world (EGO) or you can surrender your I through meditation and allow the truth to form in you from the true I above and beyond it Aka true Self.

The Being (Meditative) mind connects the two respective 'I am'’s as One. The I am of the true Self imbues the I am of Mind from above. All the 'I am' of mind must do is let it through holding an inner stillness that is receptive to intuition.

The thinking mind (Ego), rather than keeping their I am-ness still, awaiting Spiritual intuition and insight, uses it instead to look for knowledge via the senses in the outer-world.

As you can see the Egoic I is very active and the Christ or Buddha I is very still. One receives indirect knowledge via the senses and the Latter receives direct knowledge from Brahman Aka God Aka true Self.

Being is always deeply conscious and present in the Here and Now, which constitutes both the Human Soul and the true Soul. While the Conscious Mind (I) is present in the living temple of Now (Am), it is absent in thought.

While present in thought (I-Ego) it is absent in the temple, therefore unable to receive intuition.

Spirit always works through the Soul. If we as Mind Consciousness, are not present in our own temple - our own Soul then we are misaligned with all aspects of our being, and end up working against our true Self as Spirit, rather than with it.

Our true and full name as the true Self is I am that I am. In the Being mind the two 'I am's are aligned and one. In the thinking mind, the two 'I am's are misaligned, due to the I of mind 'thinking' it has a life of its own, outside itself Spiritually.

We cannot become conscious of our true self until we stop being distracted by thoughts, feelings, and the things of the world that is created by an active Mind.

Only when our mind is still, quiescent and at peace, does the realization of a deeper dimension of our being reveal itself.

~ Love Tracy

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