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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


When one focuses, one narrows their vision - that's what focus is. A focusing IN on something. Therefore, in gaining focus you lose awareness at the same time. That's the pay off.

Awareness is expansive, for example: You are aware you are in the kitchen but focused on the table within it.

Sometimes we get so caught up IN our problems and ourselves that we lose awareness of what is really going on. We lose the big picture.

It's always good to take a step back from our problems and ourselves. Seeing the big picture means we see the solution more readily than when we are caught up in focusing on our problems. When we let the personal go, we can embrace the impersonal and can be more objective.

This is what apperception does. Rather than perceiving as thought itself, we step out of thought and into awareness as Awareness, so that we might see the big picture with a focused clarity. Meditation or apperception brings the focused (conscious mind) and aware mind (subconscious mind) together so that cognition becomes an alert awareness - a combination of both without losing the quality of either focus or awareness.

Combining attention (conscious mind) with awareness (subconscious mind) we achieve a state of relaxed attention, apperception.

Awareness is the totality of our true incarnate Self which when we bring attention to, we discover not only our Soul's purpose but the door that leads to the one Soul (our true and full Awareness) and one Spirit (our true and full Consciousness).

It must be remembered and noted that the I of the conscious mind and the am of the subconscious mind are empty vessels until they come together as one in order to channel the true, I AM which is the Soul (Am) being Spirit (I). Before realization one only knows themselves as the vessel of Conscious Awareness. After Realization one knows themselves as the true Self - the true I am that flows through the 'I am vessel'.

The apperceptive mind is the beginning of the meditative mind. Take a breath, take a step back or step out of the problem for a minute. Allow your awareness to reassert itself within your consciousness. Become conscious of yourself as Awareness. Let this relaxed attention/awareness give you the solution you weren't aware of until you stopped focusing so intently on the problem.

Being is not passive, it takes focused awareness. Bring presence to yourself as Awareness. Awareness holds all your solutions and intentions for this lifetime.

~ Tracy Pierce

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