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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


People often say if there was a God why would God allow atrocities such as murder, war, disease etc to happen? The reason such atrocities happen is because God Aka true Self is not on the scene. If we have not as Mind-Consciousness realized ourselves as Spiritual-Consciousness, how then can we bring the full measure of God into the world? I say full measure because without God - without our true Self as Spiritual Consciousness, there would not be a world, there would not be birds and animals and fish etc. All of these things come through the collective Subconscious - the One Human Soul. This is why you do not have to consciously make yourself breathe, eliminate food, keep your heart pumping etc. All these actions are taken care of by the Subconscious Aka Human Soul that sits in the womb of the One true and eternal Soul that is directed by our true and eternal Self as the Supreme Spirit. The Conscious Mind, which is what you think with is merely meant to be the Witness - not the creator of life.

"How the Subjective Mind (Subconscious) can perform the functions and sensations of the body, mortal man may never know" - Professor Hudson

The Ego can only know good by comparing it to bad. This is what is meant by dualistic. So, in order to know good, the mind must have an idea of what is bad. As you can see, both the idea of what is good and what is bad is held in mind. One consciously perhaps and the other subconsciously - unconsciously, nethertheless they are both held in mind. Now, we all know that whatever is held in mind (Particularly Subconsciously) will eventually be held in the body and then the body of the world as sure as night follows day. This is why it is dangerous to live by Mind-Consciousness which is often referred to as a double-edged sword. Mind-Consciousness uninspired by Spiritual Consciousness is most certainly an abomination that births atrocities.

Atrocities happen because the Conscious Mind (That which we think with) which ironically is not conscious at all, is unconscious of itself Spiritually, therefore rises in Egoic (Dualistic) thought - through created by a mind cut off from itself Spiritually.

Until Spiritual Consciousness has a foot in the door are we not much more than untamed animals - beasts?

Even the evil that you do see in this world is only the absence of Love and Light. The human condition without Spirit to guide it is like an untamed animal seeking to fulfil its desires. Only humans are far worse than any animal could be due to their intelligence level - their ability to think. You will note we are the ONLY creatures on earth that live totally for themselves as individuals, and we are also the ONLY creatures that can think. Coincidence? I think not. Thinking is Being turned inside out. Thinking serves the Ego while Being serves Spirit.

If the Ego could know God Aka true Self, could you imagine the damage such an Ego would visit upon the earth. It is no wonder the Ego must die in order for the true Self to be known. The thinking mind must surrender itself as the Being Mind.

The Ego dies the minute the thinking mind does. Spirit is born the minute the purified Subconscious and the Conscious Mind come together as One in and as a Moment of Stillness - of Present Moment Awareness.

~ Love Tracy

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