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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


Allowing the mind to rise into a stream of thought, gives life to said thoughts. Thoughts that in turn become your physical reality. A reality created by a mind cut off from its Source. Ignorant of its true Being as Spiritual Consciousness. This means that one's physical reality is created by a false persona full of limitation, fear, duality, and separation not only from the fundamental truth of their being but the truth of all creatures great and small. Sort of like a cancer cell that no longer recognizes its connection to the body as a whole. Disconnected to its own DNA disconnects it the whole body which results in the cancer cell looking at all other body cells like a foreign enemy which puts the body at war with itself. Much like we see ourselves in today's world.

A persona - a mind/body made of recorded physical thoughts we call memory will one day perish when the physical brain is transmuted into another life form as the end of one's life. (Matter cannot be created nor destroyed). To identify with these physical recordings seen in thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and concepts is courting great suffering for death is their fate. Always in all ways. Every physical life form has a beginning and end date due to being subject to time and space. Change is the only constant in the mental and physical planes of existence. One must learn to look at the mind and body as one would a costume that one wears for a part they play in life for a certain period of time. It does not pay to become overly attached to this costume. And you won't - so long as you know yourself beyond the costume.

Come to know yourself as the Unmanifest Spirit beyond the form. Come to know Thy Self as the Alpha (Unmanifest) beyond the Omega (Manifest)You don't have to live being afraid of either your death or anyone else's.

Let your limited consciousness as Mind merge with Present Moment Awareness that is the activity your true Consciousness - your full Consciousness. Present moment awareness begins with being conscious of your own Soul as the Subconscious. Purity the Subconscious so the Conscious Mind (That which you think with) can rest in it. Once the two Minds are working together as One, you are ready to be embodied by your true and eternal Soul that is the activity of your true and eternal Spirit.

The Subconscious of everyone is displayed as the Present Moment in all is physicality. The true and eternal and unmanifest Soul is what upholds that Present Moment. The true Soul moves the Temporal Human Soul Aka Subconscious which is why you never have to think about breathing or digesting your food etc. If the Subconscious was pure due to the Conscious Mind resting it rather than defiling it with its own self-generated thoughts, the present Moment would reflect the true Self rather than the persona - the Ego. That is not the case however, as the Conscious Mind which we use to create thought with, is always at work defiling the Subconscious in the creation of one filter or another.

The true Self as Spirit flows through the Temple (Human Soul/Subconscious) as the activity of the eternal Soul for the Human Soul sits in the womb of the True Soul. If the Human Soul (Subconscious) is heavily filtered due the rising of thoughts creating egoic beliefs, concepts, biases etc, the pure light of Spirit will become distorted, disfigured, and destroyed, giving rise to a false reality, a reality created by the Ego rather than the true Self. Hence, we see disease, war and poverty etc.

When Consciousness otherwise known as light, shines through the pure awareness of mind and not distracted by thought, the manifestation on the physical plane is pure and Good. If thought is present or if the mind has risen by any degree at all, then these manifestations will be coloured by the ego like light shining through a panel of stained glass.

Present Moment Awareness is the greatest way to purify the mind.

A lot of people have trouble knowing exactly what Mind Set to hold. They often worry they are not adopting the right Mind Set needed for realization of the Self. I can only give you what experience I have in the hope you can relate.

I allow myself to feel deeply and profoundly present in the moment so that I am conscious of all that is happening around me - including the mind and body WHILE I am holding an open and receptive heart. I say heart because the openness I feel is in the chest. For example, you know how you hear a noise in the middle of the night, and you get up to stand in the middle of the dark room listening with your whole body for a noise? It is like you are feeling the house from your chest for any type of movement or presence. Well, it is like that only you are not sensing and waiting for a movement of any kind outside of you, rather you are receptive to what is inside. Like you are waiting to be told from some unknown entity within what to do, say or think while being deeply present as the Presence. This sounds like doing two things but it's actually BEING one thing. Being deeply present while receptive to the Inner voice that is always silent. This open-heartedness feels like a cavity - a spaceless-ness of there being nothing filled with everything. You whole attention is focused on being so open hearted like a child that no thought can rise. If the Conscious Mind is busy being open-hearted, it cannot rise in thought any more than you can listen and talk at the same time.

~ Love Tracy

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