Until you as the true Self become conscious of yourself beyond Mind Consciousness - until Mind Consciousness (I am) and Spiritual Consciousness (I AM) met and marry - working together as One, Mind Consciousness will work against the true Self as Spiritual Consciousness, causing one to suffer.
Life is here to temper and align Mind Consciousness with its true Self as Spiritual Consciousness hence why it is said that Mind Consciousness was born in the image of Spiritual Consciousness as its reflection. Until this happens one will suffer. Spiritual Consciousness is by nature blissful and peaceful. Mind Consciousness is not for it is a double-edged sword of duality: One day you have it such as bliss and peace, and one day you do not.
If the Mind is not conscious (Ignorant) of itself Spiritually it will live a life that works against its true purpose of Being.
Mind Consciousness (I) and Spiritual Consciousness (I) meet and marry within their respective Am's Aka Soul's that are the Human Soul (Am) Subconscious, and true Soul (AM) that animates the Human Soul.
Both Souls are known as the Present Moment.
I Spirit Am Soul = true Self reflects itself.
I Conscious Mind Am Subconscious = Mind Consciousness.
"I am that I am" must come together as ONE and must align in and as the Now for true bliss and peace to be restored in our lives.
At the moment we only know ourselves as I am Mind. We are not conscious of ourselves as the I AM of Spirit.
~ Love Tracy