One's mind must be mentally still, serene & quiescent both consciously and subconsciously, before we stand before the alter or abyss, going from communion to union intrapersonally (relationship with Self) with ourselves multidimensionally. Or put another way, for the Minds Consciousness to merge with one's Spiritual Consciousness that is always in all ways NOW which is another word for Soul in all its differentiations.
The mind must be emptied of egoic thought and subsequent unconscious emotional habits aka Vasana's. Meaning the conscious mind or Inner I must stop rising in thought, tempered (conscious and subconscious mind working together) and purified (Cleansed and healed) before the Truth will make our Temple (Mind/body) its home.
Bear in mind always that the Consciousness of Mind and Spirit are not the same thing even though they are One. Spiritual Consciousness is real and eternal while Mind Consciousness is Temporary (Temple) and a reflection of Spirit as the Son so to speak. This Consciousness like its body is always morphing into another form to serve Spiritual Consciousness. The only way they can come together as One is through the Soul which is the Subconscious, Incarnate Soul and Present Moment.
Therefore, must stop letting our mind rise into a stream of thought/feeling that takes our Consciousness of Mind (Our attention) away from our Temple, which is Present Moment Awareness (Soul). The Now is where our connection to ourselves multidimensionally as well as with each other resides. By staying focused on the I am-ness being Now we stop rising in the creation of our thoughts and stop responding to world thought. For there are two types of thought: Firstly, the thoughts your consciousness creates and secondly the thoughts other Conscious Minds create that float around in the Ether look like radio waves looking for a station to accept them. This is the Matrix - the Universal Mind, that you must unplug from so that you can connect to your Inner WI-FI aka true Self.
When we connect with our WI-FI, we connect with our true Self, becoming conscious of all that was unconscious within the subconscious. This gives us the chance to heal our Temple emotionally, getting it ready for the raising of our Consciousness. After the Conscious and Subconscious Minds have been laid to rest in peace, one's Mind Consciousness will expand even further within one's Self. Eventually you will know yourself as an Incarnate Spirit/Soul that is the unseen (to human consciousness anyway) Vessel of one's true Self that evolves lifetime after lifetime in its evolution of Self. You don't normally get to know yourself like this until after death, however Self-Realization makes this possible while in the flesh. You may also be able to tabernacle with those who have passed on, loved one's that have died.
After the Incarnate Vessel has been made Conscious to itself once again, you are almost ready to meet and know yourself as the true Self being Soul. Soul is the activity of Spirit - our eternal Consciousness that you will never know. You can only ever be it. I am trying to reach for the right words to convey here but they escape me. This level of Consciousness is beyond my capability to describe or relay.
The meditative mind, which is a mind without dual thought, is achieved by keeping the Conscious Mind one pointed in its focus intuitively, while emotionally present in the awareness of Now. This is not two operations but one. This can only be done by being fully present as the presence of Now. In other words, one must be Conscious of being Awareness. Awareness is the activity of Consciousness, so it is not an object we focus on but an activity. You must be conscious of yourself as the Witness.
To be Now means to be absent in thought so that your whole consciousness is with its body of Awareness. In other words, so the Conscious Mind marries its own Awareness (Soul). This is how thinking ceases. You don't stop thinking. You focus. This focus stops all thinking for thinking becomes ONE thought of Awareness being Conscious of itself. A focus that includes present moment AWARENESS, that is FELT, while listening for intuitive instruction. You are always listening. To your Inner and Outer worlds. Never talking aka thinking but always listening. Imagine everything you are conscious of - EVERYTHING - is your true Self and it is going to talk to you through what you are Conscious of. It could be intuitive. It could be a sign in the outer world, it could come anyway at any time. Listen. Keep listening. This Silence will translate itself somehow in some way I promise you. Everything gets clearer and clearer the deeper you fall into Thy Self.
The mind does not have to worry about living life if it is being guided from on high, which means not only will an awareness of what to do, say, think or be intuitively but also the world physically will move you and give you definite signs on which way to do etc. Synchronicity and serendipity will happen so often and so much it will seem miraculous! Taking thought for life becomes redundant. Being guided intuitively, serendipitously with synchronicity is the way. This way the mind can remain calm and highly alert.
That is not to say you will and can never think. You will only this thinking will be of a higher quality and a lower quantity. You will enjoy it much more than your thinking at present.
The Conscious Mind (I - thought) and Subconscious Mind (Am- feeling) must become as one before knowing is truly experienced for the Temple must be at peace with itself to receive the Holy Spirit aka Intuition. When the mind is at peace it will become clairvoyant and claircognizant. Spiritual vision is given to the meditative mind that is able to intuit the Holy Ghost aka Intuition. The way to experience intuition is through focusing on your I-am-ness which is the door to Spirit. I Conscious Mind Am the Present Moment aka Soul. Right now - focus on your I am-ness. You sense of I exist. Get familiar with it.
You don't feel you exist. You don't believe you exist. You know you exist. Just as you KNOW you are a mind and body; you have to KNOW you are Soul aka Awareness beyond the mind and body. You have to know yourself as more than a mind and body for you are essentially - innately and fundamentally Spirit that is both infinite and eternal. You have to know yourself as the master before the mind becomes a servant. Until such a time, you will serve the minds thoughts and feelings. You will be a slave to yourself.
Mental stillness is the alter of Spirit.
“Be still and know that I am” - Psalm 46
~ Tracy Pierce