Every thought you have, whether good or bad, gets in the way of the pure manifestation of your Spirit trying to flow through your mind and out into the physical. Just like every cloud gets in the way of the sun shining on earth.
Every thought, whether good or bad is a judgment. Judgments that interfere with your best life! Your highest Good. Your purpose for being here.
Every thought you take, chase after or dwell on, stands between you and those moments of serendipitous synchronicity in which life is one continuous green light after another.
The ego has its own ideas of happiness and success and rarely does it coincide with the true Self. The totality of life will always work with the true Self, never the false self.
You think you have to rush here and rush there, think this and think that. Do a bit (a lot) of hustling and manipulating and hard work to make it in this dog-eat-dog dark world.
But you don't if you are aligned with your highest good. You simply have to be still (mentally) and allow your true Self within to move you. To inspire you and raise you up (kundalini) so that you may experience the flow of Spiritual being instead of a life of dogged determination and suffering. When you are aligned with yourself Spiritually, the whole world works in you favour. If you are not, it doesn't.
This is because the whole of life is YOU though you are not yet conscious of it. Once you align yourself with your Spirit, life also supports everything you need to manifest your best life.
The act of meditation in todays' world is nothing more than practicing to be your true Self, for that is honestly the only purpose for it. Twenty-four-seven Mindfulness - your true state of being. To pray without ceasing. Thinking veils the beingness of the true Self.
Meditation is the true nature of mind. You are in fact - Prayer itself. It is praying without ceasing. It is allowing yourself to be used as an inner channel and beholder of spiritual images that are meant for the world as a blessing. A specific and particular blessing that can only come through the unique individuality of your mind. A mind is meant to reveal the truth, not create it. You could liken your mind to a car. Some drive Ferraris and some Holdens etc, however the car is not the driver. It is the ride. Spirit is the driver.
Your misidentification with the Mind has caused you to create unnatural egoic thoughts which in turn block or disrupt the pure manifestation of your truth - of the world's truth. For we are all One.
Because you as mind do not know yourself as Spirit, you cannot live by an inner guidance from the Spiritual realm. Instead, you must live by the mental realm which is so much more inferior.
Your individual thoughts have fed into a universal mind and helped create a world where the truth is masked by these insane egoic thoughts that are dual in nature and quite selfish. A double-edged sword one ignorantly lives and dies by. The truth has been painted over with lies - with unnatural egoic thoughts that are nothing more than false images.
It's a lie that you have to work yourself to the bone to have a good life. A grand horrible lie. The opposite is true. You have to be (mentally) still. You need to stop taking thought for your life, stop hustling and be still. The Spirit of Truth will move you 'knowingly' to your highest purpose.
The mind needs stillness like the body needs movement!
So be mentally still, take no thought (Meditation) and allow yourself to be raised up (expansion of consciousness) to your truth AS the truth, in order live your Souls purpose. The truth will speak to you in silence, and you will understand just by knowing. This is because your true Self is omniscient. You will know what to do and say in each and every moment. This is living by Faith.
Stop listening to your minds shenanigans and be still. That voice in your head that you believe, is you? It's not. It's an impostor. Stop listening to it. Now. Instead focus on being as deeply present in the moment as possible. The moment will lead you, along with tuition from within if you are silent enough.
Experientially know your true Self. Forget your small ideas and theories of the truth and EXPERIENCE the truth of your Being. BE it. This truth must manifest in your life as peace abundance and joy. If it doesn't then you have missed the way; You have believed an imitation of the truth, rather than the truth itself.
Become who you really are. Nothing is work after that. Instead, it's " I can't wait to get up in the morning and love the world - live this life!"
Be still and allow the butterfly of truth to land on your shoulder - that's all you have to do. Let life unfold as it is meant too.
Go from being in the moment to the being the moment itself. Let there be no separation in love.
~ Tracy Pierce