Intuition is a highly personal and tailored mode of communication, that one experiences with their true Self before the illusion falls away altogether revealing a union of Consciousness. The ONE giving tuition speaks in the same language to All; the language of love, but we each of us hear the ONE in a different language for the mind is like fingerprints; the same across the board but unique.
Intuition is not a feeling though it will inspire feelings.
Intuition is not a thought, but it will inspire thought.
Intuition is Knowing. Knowing is another word for Faith. This Faith is earned daily as one understands and works within and as the Law.
The primary origin and mode of expression regarding Intuition comes from Spirit (I) being Soul (Am) aka true Self. Spirit is our true natural Intelligence while Soul is the activity of that Intelligence expressed as Love. We sit within her womb as the Incarnate Mind-Soul aka Subconscious which is a part of and not apart from the Present Moment. Everyone's subconscious collectively constitutes the Present Moment for all is mind.
Through the omniscience of Spirit being Soul, Knowing aka Faith is experienced by mind at first as exactly that - Faith aka Knowing which is an activity in and of Consciousness that is quite a distinct and separate experience to thought and feeling. For example, you do not believe you exist. You do not feel you exist. You know you do. It is that kind of experience. Knowing. It is felt or translated within the body as either a feeling and/or thought and/or perhaps a serendipitous moment found in the synchronicity or body of life.
Intuition comes from Spirit, passes through the Soul, into the subconscious (Incarnate Mind-Soul) which is a part of the One Soul/ Present Moment, before coming to our conscious mind to be made conscious. That is if the Conscious mind is still and rooted in its Temple of and as Present Moment Awareness. Once Conscious, the mind will analyse and process this intuition via thought and feeling for the subconscious to manifest into the physical world.
Intuitive knowing is how I write. Some call this Claircognizance. Some call it being in the zone. Everyone has an ability of this type when they are living in and as Present Moment Awareness and using their particular talents and gifts. There is a flow of all being that you are part of. Everything falls together as if by magic. It is not magic of course. It only appears as magic to Consciousness that is unaware.
Truth comes from a place of knowing that is not OF the mind but is IN the mind. Like I am in this world, but I AM not of this world for I am always formlessness, unfettered and free.
Knowing is a whole other unknown faculty of sensing and being in the world, that has yet to really come into the field of our individual and collective Consciousness. However, Consciousness is expanding or waking, seemingly much more rapidly of late. I believe it is the season for the children of the Sun to begin to awaken to another dimension of being or existence. I look around and see so many gifted people these days - so many people being and speaking the truth like never before.
So let us together usher the new age of being in.
Start becoming conscious of this faculty of knowing within you 'now'. For it can only be received and made conscious within and as the Present Moment. Knowing' is always NOW. This knowing without knowing how you know. Knowing must come before reason and logic. The right mind must always lead the left mind. Remember this knowing is not of the mind even though it will be known through the mind by its Presence. Once you become conscious of this Presence, this door, this opening in the subconscious deep within, whole other dimensions of being will keep opening it until one day, as fate would have it, you walk through this door. and lose yourself completely. One transcends the personal to know themselves as the impersonal, the I am of Spirit being Soul that embodies the I am-ness of Mind Consciousness.
One ceases to identify as a personal Self while embracing their newfound identity as Life living itself. This is Grace. Grace is a state of multidimensional being in alignment with all aspects of its 'Self'. There is no resistance from any part of the One as all parts see themselves as one within the One, like a blood cell sees itself as part of the One Self.
Start with the knowing of 'I exist' or 'I am'. This is you, Consciousness. Consciousness is your presence of being. Your sense of existence. Your I am-ness. It is not yet your true and eternal Consciousness as it is but the Vessel. Whatever you are present in or conscious of you give life too. Give life to yourself then. Your true Self as Soul which is the Now. Focus on your sense of existence - your I am-ness while fully present in and as the Now. Do not say I am this or I am that. Stay simply as I am. Hold that thought forever and ever in the Present Moment, until you are no longer present in the moment but the presence of the moment.
Become conscious of your true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit by staying in the Awareness of being Soul, rather than being conscious and living in your own thoughts outside your spiritual body that is Soul. In other words, do not become lost in thoughts you have generated yourself as Vessel Consciousness. You do not want to give life to those. Rather stay in the moment which is your Soul guided by your true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit. In this manner the Son or Vessel Consciousness merges with its true Spiritual Consciousness.
Meditate as Consciousness (Spirit) being aware (Soul) for this is the door. The conscious awareness born in the image of the true Conscious Awareness must recognize and know itself.
Together the Conscious mind (Vessel Consciousness - I) and the subconscious (Vessel Awareness - Am) is the third eye of which people speak. It is the door (I am of mind) for the true Self - the true and eternal I AM - Consciousness (I) being Awareness (Am) to come through and out into the world. Contemplate this sense of I am, that you are. Hold this I am thought until you lose yourself in the moment as the moment.
Let your mind be free to intuit - to receive information beyond the mind as Spirit. Hold the mind open in the mental stillness of the moment, like you are waiting for instruction, as you go about your business in the physical world - not in the moment but AS the moment. Intuitive instruction could be given visually and/or audibly or as a Knowing or Faith that is experienced as claircognizance.
~ Tracy Pierce
