Remember you as Spirit are conscious OF the mind, not conscious AS the mind.
The Ego believes it is conscious AS the mind due to identifying with form (Mind/Body).
As the true Self - the first I am of your true name known as "I am that I am", you are conscious OF the mind, knowing it as your instrument and not the core of your existence.
Start watching yourself, think, feel and move.
This creates the separation you need to realize you are not the mind, while simultaneously giving you the experience of BEING Spirit.
Spirit cannot ever be known through the thinking mind that relies on the senses for its sense of Self.
The true Self can only be knowing through KNOWING.
An example of this, is knowing thy Self. You do not think or believe you exist; you do not feel you exist, you know you do. You do not know how you know - but you know you exist.
This knowing gets deeper and deeper - more and more profound the most you focus on it.
Focus on I AM & know Thy Self.
"Be still and know that I am" - Psalms 46:10
- Love Tracy