So often the people who taught us to love, did not know what love was themselves, usually through no fault of their own. You cannot give someone something you do not have.
This is unfortunate, for life is all about love. Either the presence or the absence of it. In the presence of love, we bloom. In the absence of love, we wilt.
In order to bloom, it is important we know the truth of love. That love is truth.
The mind and heart cannot think or feel what it does not know. You cannot be loved nor love if you do not know what it is. If you do not know how to receive or give it. Or if you have mistaken it for something else.
Know the love you seek is within yourself as your true Self. Find it, know it and then give it away, knowing the door to receiving is opened by giving for it is the same door.
Love begins with Self. The true Self - the Soul, which is Love. Not your imagined sense of self, which is nothing but than an imposter of love, but the true Self, beyond thought, beyond judgment. Remember all thoughts, even good thoughts are judgments dressed up. You do not love someone for their attributes, you love someone because it is a quality about yourself.
A loving, and beautiful intrapersonal (relationship with self) relationship always ends in loving and beautiful interpersonal relationships (relationship with others).
Let us come together in Truth as Truth.
"So, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God (True Self) has joined together, let no one separate.”
~ Matthew 19:6
These words goes deeper than the bond between two people. It alludes to the bond you have with your Self. When the mind and Spirit come together as one there is Spirit (God) among you. This is a bond that sees not only the subconscious and conscious minds united but the whole-body mind and Spirit aligned and working together as One in the moment, which in its turn, allows the Holy Spirit otherwise known as Intuition to descend upon the mind to guide one along the way. This is what true love is. In this state of being without thought, without judgment.
Love does not need a reason. It never has.
Love begins and ends with the Self.
~ Tracy Pierce