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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


A mind filled with copious thoughts, divided against itself on almost every level of its multi-dimensional being, is the veil to the real. This veil is what separates you from your good - from your inner connection with your true Self as Spirit, from your connection to everyone else. Literally.

So long as your presence, your attention - your consciousness is caught up in thought and the creations of thought, you are absent in your own Awareness, - your own Soul, which is shared with many other Spiritual beings. Present moment awareness and your own Soul are one. The Subconscious of everyone collectively is what constitutes the Present Moment that is animated by the One true Soul which is the activity of one's true Self as Spirit. This is why it is vital to keep your Consciousness in it rather than in your thoughts which are nothing but illusion - maya. The only way as Mind-Consciousness to know Thy true Self as Spiritual-Consciousness is through your own Soul (Subconscious) and the One eternal Soul - both of which ARE the Now. If your Presence as Consciousness is in it, then you are practicing Present Moment Awareness which is open to Spiritual guidance.

The essence of being - of meditation is Awareness aka Soul. This is what we must become conscious of and present in, as opposed to our thoughts. When we are present as Consciousness in our thoughts (Also Consciousness) we are actually absent in our Soul Aka Awareness. Remember that: Consciousness is Spirit (Yang) and Awareness is Soul (Yin). Consciousness (Yang/male) plus consciousness (Yang/male) or Spirit plus Spirit gives life to illusion whereas Spirit (Yang) plus Soul (Yin) or Consciousness (Yang) plus Awareness (Yn) births life - reality.

At the moment, the conscious mind, which is thought, is only conscious of itself as Consciousness - as thought. The conscious mind is not conscious of itself as Awareness as Soul - , which constitutes, one's Subconscious, emotional body, and all unconscious aspects of the Subconscious. Needless to say, the Conscious Mind (That which we think with) is also not conscious of the true eternal Soul that animates the Human Soul Aka Subconscious. Nor is Mind-Consciousness conscious of its true Self as Spirit. All we are conscious of is ourselves as the Conscious Mind (Thinker) that falsely believes it creates life. It doesn't. What it does do is defile the Subconscious Aka Human Soul, with false images which filters the purity of Spiritual Light flowing through our minds creating and animating our lives. In other words, the Conscious Mind in its Egoic state does nothing but sabotage our lives.

Understand the Conscious Mind is not Spiritual-Consciousness, it is the vehicle of Spiritual-Consciousness. The Witness. If you as the Conscious Mind are not filled with the Holy Spirit, it is because you are filled with false images - thoughts created by a Mind unconscious of itself Spiritually, therefore, 'thinks' it must create life rather than be still and witness it. You are a Human BEING - not a Human thinking. The mind was born to reveal life, not create life.

If you as Spirit confuse yourself with the Conscious Mind, you will create an ego - a false sense of Self which will trap you in an illusion outside of your true reality trying to shine through your Soul Aka Subconscious. The I of your Being should never be used for creating thought but for receiving thought from your true Self as Brahman or God or whatever term you want to give to the Nameless One. Never confuse the two. Likewise with the subconscious. The subconscious is the true Souls instrument and must always be kept clean - meaning devoid of Egoic filters that serve the Ego rather than Spirit.

If you keep the mind in a meditative state, (a single thought) you will be guided by your true Self (I-Spirit, Am-Soul and Spirit). If you keep a thinking mind, you will veil your Spiritual Self and be led by an imposter - the Ego, which is a Conscious Mind unconscious of itself Spiritually, which will always lead you astray. On that day you realize the Ego - the Imposter for what it is, will be the day you start your journey along the road less travelled.

It is time to move beyond Egoic thoughts and emotions into the realm of 'Knowing' and Love. You don't believe you exist. You don't feel you exist. You KNOW you exist. This knowing - this Faith, comes from Spirit being Soul, that is all omnipotent, omnipresent, & omniscient.

Therefore, I say unto you, Take no thought for. your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. ~ Matthew 6:25

If you are present in the Now, then you are absent in the process of thinking and free to be instructed from on high through Faith - through knowing. If you are present in the process of thinking you are absent in The Now, in the Soul and in one's true Self as Spirit. Let the Conscious Mind, through its stillness become conscious of its own Awareness (Soul) that is the activity of your true eternal Spirit.

~ Love Tracy

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