Your true nature is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. You are the alpha and the Omega. There is nothing you have to become or learn. How could there be when your nature is all knowing?
Life is not a school, and you are not here to learn anything. On the contrary. You are here to unlearn everything. You are here to rise above thought, into the realm of Being. To rise from the mental realm into the Spiritual dimension.
Not theoretically because that is mind but experientially - knowing and being the truth.
This requires living in the moment. The past and future die the moment the thinking mind dies. When the mind is held as a singular thought, time and space are lost illusions. All is now.
Thinking is the veil. Take away the veil, be Being instead of thinking and your true Self will be revealed. This is done by meditation and mindfulness. In the quiescent and deeply at ease mind, intuition is experienced as a deep sense of knowing exactly what to do and say in any given moment without having to reason it. Life becomes a symphony in which you dance to the beat of your own drum while in rhythm with the synchronicity and serendipity of life of life that you are.
~ Tracy Pierce