Methods of Frequency Healing Today
There are many different types of frequency devices on the market such as meridian
measuring devices like the Voll acupuncture testing system, called EAV, that measure the
charge at the end point of meridians. New frequency healing devices center on the
interaction between our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and their impact on our energy
template. Several combine biofeedback with signature frequencies.
In the biofeedback-type machine, a computer program holds known signature frequencies
for diseases, organs, thoughts, emotions, health states, viruses, bacteria, etc. Using either electricity or subtle fields as a carrier, the frequencies are introduced to the body in 1/100th of a second intervals; not enough exposure to cause harm; just enough to measure
its reaction. The biofeedback component of the machine measures the body’s reactivity to each frequency and presents a read out of the body’s reactions. The readout does not tell.