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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


The heart aka subconscious mind must be purified before we can truly meditate and become a channel for our true Self that is Soul (Am) being Spirit (I).

Before the I of the conscious mind can sit in the am of the subconscious mind, we must first bring peace to the emotional body - often referred to as the pain body within the heart aka subconscious.

The emotional body turned into the pain body while we were in our egoic state, creating core beliefs and destructive habitual patterns that do not serve us anymore, if they ever did.

We must therefore make conscious what is unconscious. To begin doing this, sit with yourself for half an hour every day with no distractions and watch without judgment all thoughts and feelings that arise. That is all.

This is not meditation, in that you are not focusing the mind so that thoughts are starved. No this is free association - this is you lgiving permission to whatever lurks within the subconscious to rise, so that you can know what it is that does hinder you. Once you know you are able to let them go after having divinely reasoned them.

Note I said AFTER the half our session has passed.

It may take weeks before anything comes up so persevere . Being alone with yourself with no distractions is pivotal to preparing the temple.. Never reason what comes up during the session.

Remember the emoitonal body lies within the subconscious so feelings are probably what will come up when allowed.

Purifying the subconscious will allow you to sleep better at night if you are having sleeping problems and it will allow you to relax your body thought out the day.

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