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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


By Teno Mellard

Not too many can handle me, and I'm okay with that.

Always been a lone wolf. A walking whirlwind.

I tamed it down for a time.

Compressed the supernova within. Under the surface.

Tried to fit in. Conform.

But my spirit couldn't remain quiet.

I don't speak much verbally, nor even really want to. Words coming out of my voice box are an effort.

But I can absolutely speak in energy. Action. Presence. Fire of spirit.

I didn't come here to be meek. I am kind to all as a default setting, but will take no sh*t from anyone.

I command my space, and the very few in my circle I will take a bullet for to protect and defend against all animosities, without blinking an eye.

I can sense others cut from the same cloth.

Having dropped in from similar realms.

You cannot be contained either.

That's why you are one of the few souls this place could not imprison nor keep under it's potent hypnosis spell.

That's why your mere existence is an existential threat to this entire demonic inversion hologram.

The clowns behind it know you are here to expose it, and incinerate it into the abyss, so that the balance of creation is restored.

Our energy most certainly is not for the majority, because of the intensity of the fire within, necessary to get this job done.

Angelic anarchists are here to misbehave and rebel, then to free the others on the edge.

See you at the finish line, warriors.

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