The Present Moment and everything in it IS your Soul. The Subconscious Aka Human Soul is always in all ways in and as the Present Moment. Remember ALL is Mind so there is ONLY one place you as thought (I-thought) can be and that is in the Am (Subconscious) of your own Being. Everyone's Subconscious is the totality of the Present Moment. Behind the physicality of the Present Moment is the true Unmanifest activity of the True Soul, always in all ways shining its light of Awareness through Mind. Depending on how pure the mind is, one's manifestations and demonstrations will either be born of true or false images.
Present Moment Awareness is the end of Ego as the thinking mind is the ONLY thing that keeps the Ego alive. When it ceases it spells ego death. Once the Ego dies the true Self is revealed.