One way to profoundly begin spiritual practice to start uncluttering your life. Your house, your car, your work desk or area, your bank accounts, everything. They are all a reflection of your being, your state of mind. Remember the Present Moment is a reflection of your Subconscious Aka Human Soul. Everyone's Subconscious collectively is Now.
As you begin to unclutter your life physically, you will be surprised how it unclutters the mind, allowing one to see themselves and life more clearly. Start with one room or perhaps a closet. Put all your affairs in order. Seek debt management if necessary. You may not be able to live debt-free yet but you can live worry free if you have organised your debt in such a way you do not have to think about it daily. That is what Debt-Managers do. It is their job to put you in a position to pay off your debts without having to think about it. Do what you must be become uncluttered, simple, and carefree. If you a 400 pounds over-weight, begin today by consulting someone about your first steps to healthy living.
I have found the best way to begin anything, if through one tiny step at a time. Pressure paralyzes people causing them to procrastinate as it is all too much. Therefore, one tiny habit change at a time is the way to begin. It could be simply having a healthy breakfast or making one phone call to AA or a debt management specialist. Remember these steps must be tiny and one weekly. One tiny step a week is enough to get the ball rolling.
This is the beginning of true spiritual practice that eventually leads to uncluttering the mind of its thoughts. Thoughts are like clouds to the sun. They block the Spiritual love and light trying to shine through the mind. Decide today to unclutter your life, that in turn will lead to uncluttering your mind of thoughts that do nothing but block your best life.
~ Love Tracy