Spiritual Consciousness (God or Brahman) reflects itself or works through the Son known as Christ, Buddha, Atman or Krishna, depending on your choice of words, whose body is the Human Soul (Subconscious). The Son (I) and his Soul (Am) sits in the womb of the One true and eternal Soul (AM) that is the body of Spiritual Consciousness (I).
The Subconscious Aka Human Soul of one and all is collectively the physical moment - the whole world - the universe or all that you are conscious of. The Conscious Mind (That which we think with and call I) rolls out of the Subconscious Aka Human Soul like a wave does the sea when in an ego form. The Ego is born when we mistake ourselves for this I-thought. This I-thought is the instrument of the Son, the Christ or Buddha when it is still in meditation. It is the Witness - the instrument of Peace, when kept in the heart Aka Subconscious- Human Soul - Temple. It is not meant to create life via thinking but to reveal life via Being. As already stated, this instrument of Peace, which both the true Self (I Brahman or God) and its reflection (Christ, Atman etc.) work through becomes the Ego when it rises out of the Subconscious Temple Aka Human Soul.
When the Conscious Mind rises out of the Subconscious Temple in thought (False images) it contaminates the Subconscious with Filters that distort, delay and obstruct the pure and true images flowing through the Subconscious from On-high - True Images created by Spiritual Consciousness flowing through Christ, Atman or Krishna etc. The Conscious Mind which we think with should only be a silent witness to this bliss. This is why Jesus said to 'resist not'. We, through misidentifying as this I-thought, resist the pure flow of our true Self as Spiritual Consciousness working through the Christ Buddha Mind that upholds its own Soul.
Can you see now how you as Mind are not the doer? By trying to do, by creating life with your thoughts you are doing nothing but obstructing the natural flow of your true Self trying to flow through you. One must keep their mind still and allow for the flow of Life to live itself through the Mind. Do this and you will as the Witness, watch it happen and realize the Self – your true Self as Spiritual Consciousness.
When the thinking Mind dies, so does the Ego. When the Ego dies, one is born again of the true Self – of Spirit.
"Be still and know that I am" - Psalm 46:10
~ Love Tracy