If you are not using your mind to think, to create thought, then you are aware - you are conscious of what is happening in the Present Moment. Unless of course you are sleeping which is as good at thinking to be fair. When the act of thinking is not there to obstruct the passage of intuitive 'Knowing' aka Faith, one's truth Self is revealed. When thoughts and feelings are no longer there to distract one's consciousness, one's presence, then we become conscious of ourselves as Awareness - as Soul.
If your attention is absorbed in itself - its own Consciousness, its own self-created thoughts, then one's Consciousness is not free to become conscious of or give attention to the synchronicity and serendipity of life, nether lone intuitive guidance. You know this yourself. Try talking to one of your teenagers or partners if they are on their phone. They will barely notice anything you say or do. This is exactly the same in principle when it comes to either being in your thoughts or being in the moment, where the mind is quiet and receptive to intuitive guidance.
Please do not mistake the Consciousness of Mind for the Consciousness of Spirit. They are two different I's as the name of God insinuates: I am that I am. I am Spirit that I am mind. Unless the Mind is aligned with itself Spiritually it is like a branch cut off from the vine. Thinking or rather taking thought from Mind Consciousness is the veil. It is what disconnects the Mind from Spirit. This is why all gurus and metaphysical teachers alike advocate a still mind or being in the present moment. The more still the mind is (Both consciously and subconsciously) the more you will align with thy Self Spiritually. Moreover, when one 'think's one identifies with being a thinker, rather than Spirit which 'knows'. Claircognizance Aka Knowing or Faith given through the Minds 'I", is how Spirit communicates with you as Mind.
When the mind is still and clear of egoic thought the Inner I or conscious mind becomes a channel in which we receive our daily bread - our instructions for our best life, given to us by our Spirit (I) being Soul (Am) Aka true Self. When our conscious mind aka consciousness (Which we use to think with) sits in the awareness of the Subconscious mind then knowing'' or claircognizance, which is the voice of the true Self, is experienced. This knowing is then later translated into knowledge through the process of thinking, for thinking does have it place, albeit a much smaller place than it has now. Therefore, thinking is not redundant, rather it is a necessary process that is a tool for Spirit, rather than a replacement for Spirit due to ignorance. Both the quality and quantity of thinking changes when one's higher mind (Intuition) oversees the lower mind (logic and reason).
Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift." and he was absolutely right. Reason will always run parallel to truth however the truth will always supersede reason as the mind is limited whereas the truth is not.
If you are thinking, then consider yourself unconscious. Conscious awareness is everything. Consciousness is Spirit and Awareness is the activity of Spirit Aka Soul. In meditation we bring our vessel of Spirit - the Conscious Mind and the vessel of Soul - the Subconscious together so that they provide a peaceful and secure Temple for the Holy Ghost Aka Intuition to dwell. Until this time the vessel of Spirit - one's Inner or 3rd I is an empty vessel, creating false images as opposed to true images given by Spirit.
The mind must be emptied of all vestiges concerning a personal self, such as, old thoughts, beliefs, ideas, concepts, as well as emotional triggers and habits such as Vasana's which are subconscious tendencies that do not serve us, and which are Karma filled. All this must come about before the true Self is realized and before new thought otherwise known as ' intuitive knowing', can be poured into the cleansed Temple. A purified Temple (Mind/body) is what the wine parable in the bible is about.
"Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." ~ Matthew 9:17
The meaning of the above verse means the personal sense of self must die so that the impersonal Self can be born. An analogy would be of a butterfly that must forget - or die to ever a caterpillar in order to embrace its new state of being. In other words, again, the ego which is a belief in a separate self-hood apart from Spirit, must die or rather be transformed, so that the true Self may live in the world of form as intended and prophesized.
The Conscious Mind must therefore be trained to give its consciousness or its presence of being - which is life itself, to its own Soul Aka Awareness first as the Subconscious and then as the Soul itself, rather than thought it created itself. thoughts that are naught but false images born of the mental realm, born in of Mind but not of Spirit. One must become conscious of their own Awareness which you must understand is an activity rather than an object so focusing on and as it will feel alien to begin with. However, eventually it will feel like home. Because it is.
Let your Spirit rest in the presence of your Soul Now.
~ Tracy Pierce