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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


When one's mind/body isn't experiencing some kind of depression and/or anxiety, it is naturally at peace, and able to relax and heal itself. In other words, health is our natural state of being. All of us innately know this. Disease generally only happens when our body is ill at ease with itself.

For the mind to be at peace it must stop indulging in behaviour that mentally challenges that peace. In other words, it must stop giving its presence aka life to thought which is, without contest, the sole purpose for all pain and suffering in the world.

One must keep their Inner I which is responsible for the creation of thought still in its own Present Moment Awareness, which is its subconscious aka Am. The present moment is the collective subconscious of all being and the vessel for the Soul. If one's 'I' is present in the Soul, it gives life to reality. If one's 'I' is in thought, it gives life to an illusion. Marrying the two minds together is meditation.

Admittedly, meditation or staying in the moment (mindfulness) is boring at first but give it time. Within that time, deeper dimensions of consciousness will open up revealing your true Self. As thinking lessens, being automatically assumes its natural state.

Stay in the present moment being as consciously present as you are able. Be emotionally there. Feel the moment with your mind and body. Instead of thinking about this moment, judging it, analysing it, manipulating it etc, just be aware of it in a way that is heartfelt. Don't underestimate those words for they are critical to your spiritual practice. Awareness speaks to us through 'knowing' which is another word for Intuition or Faith and it must be felt before it is thought. Remember intuition comes from one's true Consciousness that guides one's true Awareness as Soul. The subconscious (your feeling centre) is the door to that Soul, which the conscious mind is sitting in. Therefore, when one receives intuition is felt as much as it is thought when the two minds operate as one.

What you are doing is keeping the mind in a single thought of awareness as opposed to letting it rise and create thought after copious thought. The mind rising in this way, will rob you of your consciousness, your very life and give it away to thought created by a mind devoid of spiritual vision. The result of this is physical manifestations like disease that are born of a lie. Born of a consciousness ignorant and separated from its true Intelligence - its true Consciousness.

Once the mind stops rising and creating thought, its settles down to be in a meditative state of alert awareness that is now free to realize deeper dimensions of being within its 'Self'. One's attention and awareness combine to create a door or temple that connects us to a higher level of Conscious Awareness aka our Spiritual dimension of being.

Life then becomes what it is naturally, rather than what you think it is.

One is lead intuitively and knows, rather than using the thinking mind and living by past knowledge.

Therefore, keep your mind open and receptive to your inner world while you live in the outer world. Let your I am being in both worlds. Have a foot in the Spiritual and the physical world like a bridge does. Let Spirit flow through that bridge unimpeded by egoic thought.

As a singular thought, be ever present in this awareness as conscious awareness/present moment/Soul instead of your thoughts, for whatever is held in mind, whatever mind is conscious and aware of, will be manifested in the physical world for you to experience with the senses. A mind full of the truth begets the truth, a mind full of itself gets more of itself. Spirit creates. Mind in its egoic form recreates. Hold the mind like a bridge for the truth of your being to crossover into form.

Spiritual vision and intuition come through the "I" of knowing (which you use to think with) and is experienced in the activity of the 'Am' Your sense of "I exist" is felt as a knowing so intuition will come to you in a like manner - as knowing. You will know in the moment what to create, what to envision, how to act. The Spirit of Truth will move you. I am telling you this as you will wonder how do I live in a world without taking thought. This is how.

Never use the senses for interpretation of reality. Never look to the outside world for your truth least you recreate the false images of this world. For what you hold in your mind, you create physically. You must hold Spirit in your mind, not the world.

If you want to be at peace both mentally and physically one must stop giving their presence - their attention to thought. This can only be done by staying in the moment for if you are in the moment then you absent in thought and likewise, if you are in thought then you are absent in the moment. Thinking and being are like swallowing and breathing. You cannot do both at once. You must choose.

If serving Thy true Self, is your choice, stay in the present moment being as consciously present as you are able. Remember one's presence is felt as much as it is thought. Be emotionally there, be intellectually there, with your body in the moment as it happens. Do not separate your mind from your body. Keep them together at all times. For instance, do not be doing the dishes while imagining yourself in Spain in the 1800's. Keep your mind with your body that is doing the dishes. Find whatever you can about the moment to love, while you listen always in all ways for intuition coming from your Spiritual centre.

Instead of thinking about this moment, judging it, analysing it, manipulating it etc, just be aware of it. Just observe it and respond naturally & knowingly to it through your consciousness of being awareness (Soul). When thought ceases, intuition otherwise known as 'knowing' will commence.

What you are doing is keeping the mind in a single thought of consciousness that is present in one's Soul rather than in its own thinking processes. The mind rising in thought, will distract your consciousness that is meant to stay in its temple for the realization of intuition and spiritual inspiration.

Thought robs the mind of the consciousness needed to Self-Realize, which is what is meant by this biblical passage:

“’My house will be a house of prayer’ but you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’” Luke 19:46

It is the same as me saying to you, hey look at this wonderful new gadget I have here, while I distract you from the thief that is picking your pocket. Do you see? Your own self-created thoughts distract you - pull you away from your temple, where your true Self is trying to gain your attention.

Once the mind stops rising in and of itself in the creation of thought, its settles down to be in a meditative state of being that is termed as an alert awareness, free now to realize deeper dimensions of being within its 'Self'. One's attention and awareness combine to create a door or temple that connects us to a higher level of Consciousness being Awareness within the Spiritual Dimension. One is raised up so to speak.

Life then becomes what it is truly is rather than what you think it is. The physical manifestations compared to the Spiritual manifestations of life are poles apart. Rather than life being created by false images made from ego, our physical life is now created by the true images (thought/awareness) of our true Self in and of Spirit. Whatever diseases that afflicted the mind and body individually as well as collectively begin to heal and assume their natural state.

Hence forth, one is lead intuitively and knows, without anything thought taken, just what to do in the moment as it happens. A mind full of the truth begets the truth, a mind full of itself gets more of itself. Spirit creates. Mind in its egoic form recreates.

Hold the mind like a bridge for the truth to crossover into form. If this draw bridge is up in 'thinking', then Spirit cannot cross over it to flow into the world, going before you to make all the crooked places straight.

~ Tracy Pierce

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