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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


Once you realize the error of 'misidentifying' as mind/body, through experiencing (not theorizing) yourself as Spirit, then you stop misusing the mind. It really is that simple.

You could liken this experience to a boy who was brought up with wolves, walking on all fours (arms and legs) as opposed to two legs like a man due to identifying as a wolf. However, once he 'realized' he was a man & not a wolf, through meeting a man, he then started walking as he should; upright and on two legs. Right identification brought right use of the mind and body. When you identify as Spirit, the mind will naturally start working in the way it was meant to; as a receiver of thought rather than a creator of. The mind reveals the truth, it does not create it.

The catch twenty-two however is this: The mind must be held in a mediative (being) state before the true Self is revealed. The mind otherwise is too distracted by its own self-generated thoughts and feelings to notice the Soul in its many differentiations as the Subconscious, Present Moment and Incarnate Soul. The mind will keep thinking the mind/body is the totality of its Being, until it becomes conscious of its Soul. The mind won't notice its Soul until it has ceased rising in thoughts, trying to create and navigate a life via thinking.

The only way to experience Spirit is to keep your conscious mind still IN Awareness (Soul) until it realizes itself AS Awareness - until it becomes conscious awareness - whole. This is where the Consciousness of Mind joins with the Awareness of the Subconscious. The Subconscious is the beginning of our Awareness aka Soul. It always sits in and as the moment, so when the Conscious Mind has merged with it, one is termed Consciously Aware. Once the minds consciousness is still and present in the Awareness of the Subconscious - Present moment and there is no discrepancy between the two minds anymore, the minds Consciousness expands into its Awareness, expanding significantly, until self-realization is experienced. Once the Mind becomes Conscious of itself as the Awareness of the Subconscious come Present Moment, it then becomes Conscious of itself as the Incarnate Soul and then of itself as the Soul. Once we are fully Conscious of our Awareness as Soul, we realize our true Consciousness as Spirit. When this happens the Consciousness of Spirit and the Consciousness of Mind merge within the Awareness of Soul.

Remember the mind - Conscious Mind (I) Subconscious Mind (Am) was born in the image of its true Self - Spirit (I) being Soul (Am) so when they are aligned, they are working together as One: I am that I am. When the Consciousness of Mind is not conscious of itself as Spirit, the two I am's work against each other rather than as One.

Allow the metaphysical mind which is one's Inner I aka Conscious Mind or Thought, to be still and singular in the Awareness of itself as the Subconscious and Present Moment and before you know it, the Soul and Spirit as One, will reveal itself to you as your true and eternal Self.

~ Tracy Pierce

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