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Writer: Tracy PierceTracy Pierce

I know you think you have created your life, but honestly - you haven't. What you probably have done though, is sabotage and get in your own way. Let me explain why these statements are true and how we can all stop doing this.

Firstly, understand that mind consciousness - your "I am-ness" is not your true and full consciousness. Mind consciousness is merely a vessel for your true and full Consciousness as Spirit. I am Spirit that I am mind. If the mind believes it has a life of its own, it will begin taking and creating thought. Thought that will veil your connection with Spirit.

Taking and creating thought veils Spirit by distracting our mind consciousness away from its temple of Awareness (Soul or present moment) where it receives intuition aka the Holy Ghost. It really is as simple as that.

When I say taking and creating thought, I am speaking about the two different types of thought we use to try and create a life outside our Spirit. Thought created rises from the primary I-thought, which is your I am-ness or sense of "I exist". In other words, thought itself is creating thought. Remember the conscious mind IS thought - that is all it is. The second way we obtain thought is through picking them up through the ether as a radio station would with radio waves. Our thoughts attract to them their like, and sometimes their opposite. These thoughts floating around in the ether were put there by other egoic minds taking thought.

While people are busy rising in thought or while thought is busy rising in thought or put another way again - while consciousness is busy rising in itself - in its own consciousness, it - we - consciousness are absent in our own temple of Awareness which is the subconscious and present moment (Soul) where inspiration and intuition is relayed to the conscious mind. Consciousness or mind rising in itself - in Consciousness rather than Awareness (its own body/Soul) is going to give way to illusion - maya. If consciousness however rises in Awareness, one gives way to reality.

The egoic mind, believing it has a life of its own, while ignorant of itself as Spirit, rises in itself - in thought, which it then impregnates the subconscious mind with. The subconscious mind then dutifully manifests this false image into the physical, as the subconscious which is a reflected portion of the Soul (Awareness) always obeys the Spirit (Consciousness).

In the realized one, the conscious mind sits as one with the subconscious so that attention and awareness are married together as a whole, as seen in the meditative state of being that is present in the moment, contusive to receiving intuition and inspiration from one's true and full consciousness as Spirit. Over time the communion between the two states of consciousness, (mind consciousness and our true Spiritual Consciousness) working together through the Subconscious/Soul aka Awareness, become unionized - they become One. This is when Self-Realization is said to be stabilized.

Therefore, in order to come into alignment with the fullness of our being we must hold a meditative mind - a being mind over a thinking mind. Our Spirit cannot act upon a mind that is not attending or giving attention to it. Intuition cannot come to a mind that is busy elsewhere with its own agenda. Thinking distracts our consciousness so that we do not connect with our intuition. Our thoughts are so distracting that we barely hear intuition and when we do, we are unsure as to whether it is mind consciousness (ourselves as mind) or Spiritual Consciousness (our true Self) advising us. This is why we, as mind consciousness cannot serve two masters - the mind (ourselves) and spirit. The thinking mind serves itself; the being mind serves its Spirit.

~Tracy Pierce



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