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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


If one is not conscious of themselves as Awareness - as Soul, they will create as mind, lost in thought taken from the mental realm as opposed to receiving intuition from the Spiritual realm, due to identifying as mind rather than Spirit. This being the case, due to our spiritual vision being lost, life will either be a shock or surprise as well as being entirely deterministic.

Life is deterministic, for the mind is not what creates life. The mind reveals life. Spirit creates life. Mind just thinks it does and this is its undoing.

Free will implies a high degree of Conscious awareness therefore, free will is only lived by the Enlightened that are knowingly a part of the whole and not seemingly apart from it. Free Will is lived by Spirit - not mind. The mind has no life of its own, though again, it 'thinks' it does.

Mind consciousness is made of the same 'fabric' for want of a better word, as its true and full Consciousness, therefore, has the ability to create whatever it beholds or is present in. If it is present in itself, it creates itself. It creates dualism, separation, and limitation. If it is present in its Soul aka Awareness, it gives life to the Soul. It reveals unity and oneness without limitation or separation.

Man, most certainly does have dominion over all things - all effect - all matter. Anything you can see, comprehend, or perceive, man has dominion over. However, as a realized being - not an egoic being. This must be clearly understood. You are here to serve the truth - Thy Self, your true Self - not yourself as mind. Life or truth is not here to serve you as an ego. Life serves Spirit, through mind. Life is One being many. Man in an egoic mind state is many while ignorant of being One, therefore is a house divided itself, that of course always falls.

To use an apt analogy, one could look at the above statement, as every man being a cell within the one body that is unaware of being apart of the One Body, therefore acts ignorantly in light of the whole. We call these kinds of cells cancerous, for they use the bodies resources for their own gain, for their own life that they believe to be separate from the whole. Cells on the other hand, that listen to their DNA, that are aware they have no life of their own, but belong to and as the life sustaining it, work, and play, using their own particular talents and contributions for the benefit of the whole body rather than just themselves. Can you see the similarity?

The true Self is One being many. Spirit is all beings, serving all Beings. The ego is a 'seemingly' individual being that serves only itself due to only being conscious of itself. The ego is completely ignorant - unconscious of the greater dimension of its being Spiritually. Free will in the ego's hands would be disastrous not to mention impossible. What is natural for the Spiritual Man would be breath taking and miraculous for the egoic man once the law of creation is understood and aligned with.

Be (mentally) still and know that I AM Spirit being man means that man also refers to himself as 'I am' in a Oneness of Being. Hence, we get our true Self's name which is "I am that I am'. To use the words, 'I am' while being ignorant or cut off from the true I AM - our true Consciousness, is to bear witness to a lie and to give these lies life. Lies like disease, poverty and war which are products of a dis eased mind. A mind that is not at ease with itself due to being cut off from its Spiritual vision that guides us throughout life in a Oneness of Being. To be in the egoic mind state, the small I am cut off from its true I am, is akin to a cancer cell in the body. If 90% of the world are unconscious of themselves as Spirit, is it any wonder that the universal mind, which we are all a part of expresses itself through our bodies as cancer? One must bear in mind that there is only one Spirit, one Soul and one Mind that all of us are a part of - not apart from.

As soon as you are conscious of yourself being Awareness, which is another word for Soul, you will be able to bring forth the added things of Spirit, that directs the Soul and mind. In your present egoic state it is impossible as the mind cannot create or manifest what it is not conscious of. The mind cannot think what it does not know. If it does not know itself as Spirit, it cannot bring forth the fruits of Spirit.

~ Tracy Pierce

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