What is this very moment asking of me? This should be your only concern in life whether you are seeking Self-Realization or not.
Anything else is born of a misguided mind disconnected not only to reality but its true Consciousness that guides the Consciousness of mind and body through the very I of the Minds 'Being'. So long as the 'I' of Mind' is Being (Meditation/Prayer) and is not creating or following after thought, its true Self will be able to guide the mind and body through its 'I'. Therefore, keep the minds I still as Present Moment Awareness, rather than active in 'thinking'.
The I of the Mind cannot serve two masters at once. It cannot serve itself and Spirit. One's I Aka Consciousness of Mind, must be in the awareness of the Present Moment if it is to merge with and serve its true Consciousness as Spirit. If the I of Mind is in itself 'thinking' instead, then it is outside its temple which is both the Awareness of the Subconscious as well as the Collective and Impersonal Awareness of the moment which is the reflection of your true Self as Soul Aka Awareness.
The I of Mind Aka the Conscious Mind leaves its Temple in two ways: It creates thought for itself and two, it follows after thought within the Universal Mind that has been left there in the Ether like your thoughts have been after you create them. Your thoughts like theirs, gather in the Ether of the Universal Mind, attracting to themselves their equal and opposite reaction.
Understand that if you are creating or following after thought, these thoughts are pulling you out of your temple and into Maya - illusion. Taking or creating thought means when intuitive guidance comes from your true and eternal I of Consciousness, you will be absent from your temple as Present Moment Awareness, due to being present in either your thoughts or the worlds created by the I of the Minds Being. The Mind cannot become conscious of itself as Spiritual Consciousness if it is not in its Temple as the Presence of Awareness. The Consciousness of Mind and the Consciousness of Spirit must come I to I and that can only happen in the Awareness of Soul Aka Subconscious Temple and Present Moment
Is the moment asking you to relax and just be as you are or is it tasking you to move with action and inspired purpose? Can you do both? Can you maintain a profoundly relaxed state irrespective of whether you are doing nothing or something?
These are all pertinent questions for the metaphysical aspirant intent on being deeply present in and as the moment for the purpose of realizing the true Self.
One must cease identifying as the manifest (Mind/body) in order to know themselves as the Unmanifest. This can only happen though the cessation of thinking by staying deeply present in the moment through 'Being'.
Clearly realize that 'Being is defined as the absence of thinking and thinking is defined as the Absence of Being. Only the Being mind can realize its true and eternal I - its true Consciousness beyond the Consciousness of Mind. The thinking and unrealized mind is what keeps the Ego Aka Veil alive.
Thoughts are like dust on a mirror, preventing one's true Self Spirit, from recognizing itself beyond the Effect of Mind/Body.
Once all sense of personal self is lost, giving way to being in the moment impersonally. the true Self is realized.
Through the act of 'Being', the Ego dies, therefore, when Self Realization occurs there is nobody there personally to experience it. I know this sounds bizarre to you because you only know yourself personally as the mental and physical body, however, there is a dimension of your being that is more real than your reality of being consciously limited to these 2 dimensions. There third dimension of your being or your origin if you like, will be experienced impersonally as having no sense of I am-ness beyond 'Being Now'.
If I were to liken the experience of Self-Realization in very small measure to any relatable experience for the one that has not experientially realized their true and eternal Consciousness through and as Mind Consciousness, I would say it is felt as one were 'Being in the Zone' in the most profound and extra ordinary way. The synchronicity, the apparent serendipity acts testimony to the impersonal, intelligent and natural flow of life living itself when the Ego does not interfere in the creation of Life.
When the Ego falls away one's sense of I am-ness is no longer contained within and as the mind/body which is always personal. One's I am-ness is no longer known through the senses but as the I of Spirit, but through the I of mind that has found union with the I of Spirit. This is why Maharshi says, when the false I of mind is surrendered the true I asserts itself. The true I is always impersonal.
The personal I surrenders to and is absorbed by the Impersonal I of the true Self, therefore, there is no one to experience Self-Realization. There is only Life living itself through billions of forms - none of them taken personally or to heart. You are the same with your shirt, shoes and pajamas - they are merely your clothing that can be discarded and created afresh. Likewise the body to Spirit - your true Self.
~ Tracy Pierce