The mind is consciousness so one can be forgiven for imagining (and it is imagination) that you are the mind. The consciousness of mind (Omega Aka the manifest I am) is a dream experienced by one's true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit (the Unmanifest I am or Alpha).
The mind reflects whatever it embodies or is conscious of. If it is not conscious of its true Self as Spirit, the mind will reflect itself - which is dualistic and limited when unconscious of all dimensions of its Being. Hence why life is experienced as the best of times and the worst of times. One day you have it, one day you don't - life, health, wealth, love, etc.
One cannot kill the ego by focusing on it, the way one would when addressing a typical problem. One eliminates the false sense of self by focusing on one's true Self as the Awareness Aka Soul or activity of Life (Love is the actual movement of Life). The light that you are in Truth, destroys the darkness held in mind. One must simply bring their consciousness of mind to their awareness of Soul which is found in and as both the Subconscious and Present Moment. The Activity of the Present Moment is the true Self - pure intelligence, expressed as Love when not interfered with by the Ego. Of course, it always is, so the world reflects the filtered light of the Ego rather than the purity of Spirit.
However, like everything this too passes. As the children of the sun begin to wake and stay in the moment, falling into the purified heart (Subconscious + Present Moment) the more we become conscious of ourselves as Awareness Aka Soul or Am that is directed by our true I - our true Self or Consciousness that is eternal and infinite. The more we surrender our Egoic thoughts on the Altar of Spiritual Silence within the Temple, through meditation, the more the world will reflect the reality of the true Self, rather than the Ego.
The Mind is Maya always. Life is not about leaving the dream; it is about becoming lucid in it, in the realization you do not have a life, you are life. Your Mind as it is a present is like a runaway train with no driver, with one thought creating another thought and another and another with no Thinker behind it to guide it. The Soul can only watch. It cannot fully participate until the Conscious Mind, through its very presence in and of her, sheds light upon the Awareness of the Subconscious come Present Moment come Soul - making conscious what heretofore was unconscious.
Life is about Tempering the mind like one would a mirror, one life time after another, until it shines like a diamond, reflecting the Alpha (Spirit) within the Omega (Mind/body) enabling the Alpha to recognize and realize itself as the Unmanifest eternal Spirit that is not limited to the Omega (Mind/body). Whatever never sleeps never awakens, - it only dreams. The Mind is that dream.
~ Tracy Pierce