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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


When one's sense of existence, ones I am-ness, one's conscious mind aka thought, sits in and as Present Moment Awareness, as one thought - without taking thought, one automatically shifts into 'being' present. Being is a whole different mindset to thinking. A whole different reality. Never confuse the two. One serves the spiritual realm and the other itself - the mental realm.

Being is another word for meditation, whose essence is Awareness aka Soul.

The definition of meditation is no-mind or rather no discriminating mind. The mind cannot discriminate if it is not thinking - it cannot judge. Every thought IS a judgment - let us be clear about that. Whether it is a good, bad, or ugly thought, whether one's thoughts are profound and wise beyond measure, it is still a thought, a judgment.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way, you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? “- Matthew 7

When the bible speaks of the eye it is really speaking of the I - the I of our I am-ness - our sense of Presence - our sense of existence. It is speaking either our I relating to our Consciousness of Spirit or our I relating to our Consciousness of Mind, or the both of them married.

The difference between a realized and unrealized man is this. The realized man, whose I is married to the I of Spirit, will look out upon a so called 'ugly man' that has committed a terrible sin and having spiritual vision, see a mind and body subject to the ego - to a false sense of Self that in turn misuses the mind, causing us to hurt others including ourselves. He instantly forgives them, feeling great love and compassion in the understanding that with no light to tame the mind, the mind will run wild and untamed. The realized man sees into the heart of the egoic man, seeing the truth of his being - the beautiful Light that he is behind the ignorance of mind, drawing this light forward in recognition of himself - of his own Light that he shares with every being and non-being. This is how one is healed of ignorance - of anything.

The unrealized man, who's Inner I is used to think (Cast judgement in service of the mind) rather than 'Be' in the service of Spirit, blind to his own inner Light, devoid of the Spiritual I, will cast judgement and condemnation because of this ignorance. Because his I is blind, he will compare and contrast another's sin with his own, deciding whether to feel superior or inferior, deciding whether to accept or reject, to give or withhold love. This man is not much better than the man he is judging. for he too is living in ignorance. His I is also separated from the I of his Spirit. He too is living by mind, rather than Spirit. He is as blind to one's Inner light as much as the man he is judging.

The man who’s Inner I takes thought, serves the Mental Realm. He is blind. The man who's Inner I sits in still quiescent meditation waiting for thought given, serves the Spiritual Realm. He has sight. He is clairvoyant - claircognizant etc.

The meditative mind stays unleavened (Unrisen) staying within the Temple of Present Moment Awareness. It stays singular - focused, alert and consciously aware. When I say consciously aware I mean one's Consciousness (One's Inner I) has merged with one's Awareness (Soul) that is moved and directed by one's Spiritual I. To meditate or pray without ceasing is a state of Being. You will note we are human BEINGS, not human THINKINGS. Really contemplate and ponder on the difference between being and thinking. This understanding will hold you in great stead.

The mind, therefore, should not rise or divide in thought but keep a still, quiescent, and intuitively receptive Conscious- I (present) Awareness (Am) that is open to intuition, inspiration, and instinct, responding knowingly to one's Spirit or true Self. This is living by faith. Knowing is another word for Faith. We will intuitively KNOW what to do moment to moment, through being aware rather than taking thought. Being able to do this is easy when one is endowed with Spiritual vision. Impossible if one's I is blind through taking thought - being outside one's Temple. Grace means ones entire being is in alignment with the fullness with itself multidimensionally which is the result of Faith. Grace is nothing more than life living itself unimpeded by Ego.

A single thought is awareness. If you do not believe me, stop thinking for a moment - completely. Just look around you without thinking aka judging in any way. Just look. Just witness Do you see?! You are AWARE - but you are not thinking. Stay in and as this Awareness 24/7 and in time your consciousness of being this Awareness will expand and deepen quite drastically until you reach the outer edges of your own Awareness - touching the hem of your Soul being Spirit.

And, behold, a woman, (Woman means Subconscious or heart in which the Inner I of Mind sits to deepen in Awareness) which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, (meaning she lived & created outside of the Spiritual I of Light for 12 incarnations, while her Inner I evolved, towards, in and as the Light) came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: for she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I (This is when the two I's of mind and Spirit become One) shall be whole. - Matthew 9:20-22

~ Tracy Pierce

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