"I am that I am" - Exodus 3:7–8
I Spirit Am Soul (Brahman/God) that I Conscious Mind Am Subconscious Mind (Atman/Christ/)
The Father is Brahman Aka Spiritual Consciousness – I
The Mother is the activity of Brahman Aka Soul or Awareness (Shakti) – Am
The Son is Atman Aka Christ or Buddha which is a projection of Brahman (I) into itself as Soul (Am)
The Daughter, being a projection of Atman is the Human Soul made of 5 Sheaths Aka the Casual Body or Mind that we perceive to be the universe.
Plunge the purified Mind Aka 5 sheaths or Conscious/Subconscious Minds, into the heart Aka Atman (I am) that is One with Brahman (I-am)
The purified mind is the Conscious Mind (Mental sheath) that can maintain its presence in the moment, working harmoniously with the Subconscious (Intellectual sheath) as one Mind. The Subconscious is the door to the Spiritual realms of Thy Being. The Subconscious Aka 5 sheaths which contain the Conscious and Subconscious Mind, is the entrance because it is through the Subconscious that the fullness of one true and eternal Soul is known and in turn our true and eternal Spirit as Brahman or true Self depending on your choice of words.
The Mother is the unmanifested activity (One true Soul) of the daughter. If the Conscious Mind, (That which we think with and of the 5 sheaths) did not intervene or resist the natural flow of Spirit flowing through and as the One true Soul that enlightens and moves the Daughter Aka Mind, the world would manifest and demonstrate the true Self in the flesh. However, this is not the case. It is not the case as the Human Soul Aka Mind is not purified. The many egoic beliefs and concepts held within the Mind (5 sheaths) filter the pure Light of Spirit shining through it. Due to this the Conscious Mind (That which we use to think with) continues to rise in thought, looking to the outer world for its absence of Light and Love, rather than holding an inner stillness that allows the Son to shine through it, healing the Mind in its wake.
Until the conscious (Son) mind has merged with its true Consciousness (Father) which only happens in Self-Realization it is aka known as the inverted Christ or Satan if you like. This is because the inverted Atman/Buddha/Christ is projecting, or giving life to the unrealized Mind, rather than turning to face the true Self as Brahman and allowing the Light that is of the true Self, maintain both the Son and the Mind.
Until Consciousness and Awareness of the mind have come together as one under Christ/Atman/Buddha and are resting in the fullness of the true Soul aka full Awareness of the Mother while intuiting our true Consciousness Aka full Consciousness or Fathe and we are living by Faith (Claircognizance) under Grace (Pure alignment), we cannot say we have realized the Self.
This is grace - Spirit (Father)>Soul (Mother)> Atman>Subconscious (5 sheaths) <.... They are all ONE. I have differentiated them here for the sake of understanding as the Mind can only conceptualize (differentiate) so speaking in plural is necessary.
Each lifetime sees the Son as Atman/Christ become more conscious of being Awareness. In other words, the Son becomes more conscious of his Mother (Eternal Soul or Shakti) which leads him to his Father (Brahman). The subconscious IS the Mothe also but because the son is not conscious of it the whole Soul as Mother, the personal Subconscious is referred to as Eve, the daughter, which if you recall was the rib of Atman (Adam). Each lifetime sees the Son have more dominion over the Soul, taking Eve from being a daughter to being a mother, as the Son becomes the Father. This is why childbirth serves her. She gives birth to the Christ/Atman who is born in her depths. It is through Eve and Adam joining as one that become consciously aware of themselves as the True Soul being Spirit. It is the father calling the son home through the mother.
“Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control” (2:15). - 1 Timothy 2:8–15
Remember the bible was never meant to be taken literally. It is all profound and wise allegory about one man's journey home to himself. The Father (I) is his true Self, the Mother is his true Soul (Am) and the Son (I) and Daughter (Am) is reflected Consciousness that over time expresses the true Self (Father/Mother or I AM) in the flesh.
The only way to purify the mind is through suffering your subconscious, which is the conventional way through living, or by meditation/mindfulness that invites the Light of the Son into the Mind to purify and temper the Mind, so that it can mirror Atman/Christ allowing the Son to recognize and realize that he is the Father. This unites Father and Son, (I-I), mother (Am) and daughter (Am).
"Be still and know that I am" - Psalm 46:10
"I am that I am" - Exodus 3:7–8
~ Love Tracy