This quote is true. No one (myself included) really wants to give up their personal identity, their story, their wants, and desires for a higher cause they don't know, that they don't understand nor experienced. It's hard. Sanity for the egoic mind is a prized possession, an illusion but a coveted one. The mind isn't going to roll over and play dead for any ole reason.
It is easy to let go of the memories that cause us pain but not the memories we love, nor the cherished ones that we relive repeatedly.
It is easy to let go of the thoughts about the future that cause us anxiety. Like how am I going to pay for the rent or get through Christmas. If worse comes to worst, we can distract ourselves with virtually anything. It is hard though, to let go of the thoughts & mind stories we love to entertain ourselves with in which we are the star of own show, in which everything is going our way. How many hours to we dedicate to this waste of time?
Reality is the here & now. Not in your thoughts about now. Not in your thoughts about yesterday or tomorrow no matter how cherished they are. Reality is being now outside of thinking. One cannot think and be at the same time any more than an epiglottis can serve both stomach and lungs at the same time.
We are either conscious of the moment as it is - fully present in it - or we are conscious of our thoughts about the present moment. We cannot be in the moment and in our thoughts at the same time. The reason for this is our presence ultimately IS the moment, directed by our true Self as Spirit. What do you choose to serve then? Reality itself or your idea of Reality?
Remember your idea of yourself is as fictional as the ideas this false self is creating about reality. You have claimed a life as mind and body and given yourself a life of your own separate to your true Self as Spirit, however this personal life is nothing more than the vessel of Consciousness, taking on a persona because it is empty or ignorant of its true Self - because it knows no better. What you are is Spirit living many lives all at once. It would be the same as Jake Sully forgetting who he really was and claiming he is this avatar and that there is nothing beyond this avatar. One lives only a half-life, cut off from the truth of their being like a branch from the vine.
All I can say is, if you do decide to live outside thinking by living deeply in the moment until you are the moment, then life will guide you to more peace and happiness than you could ever have imagined or worked towards with the thinking mind. Spirit is so much more superior in every way than mind in the creation of life. Moreover, this peace and happiness will not be transient as peace and happiness is the nature of thy True Self that lives beyond form.
Live by intuition, instinct, synchronicity, and serendipity that is never wrong. Let Spirit be your lighthouse. There is nothing to compare to that peace that passes all understanding which you carry around with you when one becomes established in their right mind.
The egoic mind will not surrender its life easily. It must be in on its own awakening. You must gain as much understanding as possible, convincing yourself without a shadow of a doubt that sacrificing the thinking mind is for your good as well as for the collective good. This understanding, in whatever way it is gained, must be complete in its understanding. The mind will not settle otherwise. Some take the Buddhist pathway, some Krishna, some metaphysics and some their own tailor made for them. Everyone and their path are different. The common denominators of all paths seem to be love, oneness, prayer/meditation & suffering.
It is most often only suffering that will crack open the ego to allow the Truth - or true Self, to be revealed. Why change when all is going well right? No one wakes up in a dream, but they do in nightmares, so life will often serve us a wakeup call in the midst of a nightmare.
'You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens' ~ Rumi
~ Tracy Pierce