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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


While it is true to say that right thinking will lead one to the ''Well of Truth", before one can drink from it, before truth can be realized one must first lose all concepts and understanding gained in relation to it. Any thought either good bad or indifferent will veil the truth. This is because the Spiritual dimension cannot be realized by the thinking mind. It can only be known by the being mind. Being is experience. Thinking is theory. Thinking takes one out of the temple where Realization is experienced, while being keeps you in it.

Consider the mind a draw bridge. When it rises in thought it becomes disconnected to its own Soul. When it is down in meditation it connects itself to its own Soul (Am) being Spirit (I).

Taking thought from the mental realm will veil the truth as your Consciousness is present in thinking rather than its own Awareness of Soul which constitutes the Present Moment. One Conscious and Subconscious minds must merge as One in Present Moment Awareness f we are to channel our true Self - One's true and Eternal Soul Being Spiritual Consciousness. In this way Mind Consciousness is filled with the Holy Ghost aka Intuition which of course is Spiritual Consciousness. Until this time Mind Consciousness is an empty vessel.

The door to Soul being Spirit is through Present (I) Moment Awareness (Am), which sees both the Conscious and Subconscious minds working in harmony - as one which we call the meditative mind. The Subconscious always sit in the Awareness of Now. When the Conscious Mind sits in the Awareness of the subconscious, it is called Present Moment Awareness as our Consciousness constitutes our attention or our Presence. Our subconscious is the activity of the Conscious mind from this lifetime, the activity of previous lifetimes, as well as the activity of our true Self as Spirit, working through the Soul which embodies our Incarnate Soul that uses the Subconscious as a vessel. The subconscious, the present moment, and the true and eternal Soul are all Awareness - they are all differentiations of Soul which IS the Present Moment. The Soul is always the activity or body of Spirit aka Consciousness.

Now, back to the mind of man in the process of realization. If you cannot be present in the act of thinking, to live in the world, or to make sense of yourself and the world, then this will be a bit of an experience for you. A state of being is completely different to a state of thinking. Faith built up through right thinking - through a thorough understanding of first principles is most definitely needed. Bear in mind the word being, and meditation are synonymous - they mean exactly the same thing. Awareness aka Soul is the very essence of being or meditation. We are Human Beings - Humans meditating. This is our natural state. Not thinking, contrary to popular belief.

The Conscious Mind is thought. One thought. This is the minds natural state. One thought equals a being state. Plural thoughts equal a thinking state. The Conscious Mind is your sense of I am-ness. It is your presence. Your attention that attends. Though you are aware of being conscious, you are not conscious of being awareness and that is why we are there today. To make conscious the unconscious in which we start with the Subconscious for all Effect is Mind.

By bringing our Conscious Mind aka Presence (I) to the Awareness (Am) of the subconscious, we prepare and create what is called our Temple of Present (I) Moment Awareness (am), which acts as a channel for the true images of Spiritual Consciousness (I) to flow through as the Holy Ghost aka Intuition, and out into the world for the mind and body to experience.

The Conscious Mind, when it starts creating its own thoughts called 'False Images' from its own Consciousness, rises out of its Temple, dividing the I and Am of mind. It is no longer Present (I) in its Temple that constitutes the Subconscious and Present Moment Awareness (Am) o receive the true images of Spiritual Consciousness as it flows into the mind, awaiting the Conscious Mind aka Vessel Consciousness to make it conscious and the subconscious to manifest it.

You can see now how vital it is we stay in our Temple as Present Moment Awareness. If we do not, we create false images from the mental realm as opposed to the true images given from the Spiritual realms. The mind does not create life, the mind reveals life.

The only true reality is Now. The Present Moment is the ONLY reality. There is no other reality besides the Now. Our thoughts - anyone's thoughts are not reality - they maybe an idea about reality, however they are not reality. This is a very important distinction to make. You see the problem is we live in our thoughts, rather than reality, which is our Soul aka The Now. Because of this, we give life to our thoughts, rather than the reality of our being Present (I) Moment Awareness (Am).

Whatever the mind focuses on consciously (I) and accepts as true subconsciously (am), it will manifest in the physical world. This is why we must always in all ways be present in the Now, where our true Consciousness as Spirit (I) being Soul (am) resides. In this manner the two I am's align as One. If we are in and as Present (I) Moment Awareness (Am), the mind is still, clear, and quiescent, allowing the flow of intuition to come forth through our Inner I - our Temple, to impress upon our minds what is to be manifested in the physical world for our eyes of Flesh to behold.

Spirit works in tandem with the Soul, (Never the ego) just like the body does with the mind. Spirit the Soul, which in turn embodies our Incarnate Soul within her womb, represented in the subconscious, all of which are differentiations of the Present Moment. Therefore, the Present Moment itself - as Spirit being Soul, is indirectly guiding us through instinct, synchronicity, and serendipity, while Spirit is guiding us directly through the Soul of Souls Inner I aka our Temple. Remember the Soul is the activity or expression of Spirit. I Spirit Am Soul.

Bear in mind there are two apparent states of Consciousness. There is the Vessel or Mind Consciousness that is an empty vessel until it is aligned with the Consciousness of Spirit that fills it with the Holy Ghost aka Intuition. These two seemingly separate Conscious states can only come together through the Soul aka the Now, which is, in differentiation, the subconscious - being the vessel of the Incarnate Soul - which in turn is the Vessel for the One true and eternal Soul. All differentiations constitute the Present Moment at different depths of being.

We want the love of Soul, that is itself guided by the true intelligence of Spiritual Consciousness, to guide our minds. We do not want the conscious mind which rolls out of the heart aka subconscious to rule the Temple. We want the Father Consciousness to rule our lives, not the Son Consciousness. The Son or Vessel Consciousness will conjure up false images that in turn invoke unnatural emotions that will defile the Temple, making it difficult if not impossible for Spirit to flow through without a distortion of Light. Therefore, we live from the heart, from love, letting love guide our thoughts which in turn guide our emotions. We can only do this when we cease rising in thoughts that have nothing to do with the reality of Soul being Spirit and hold a mental stillness within the subconscious/present moment/Soul Awareness, awaiting intuitive guidance. This is how we align all aspects of our being. I Spirit Am Soul being I Conscious mind Am Subconscious Mind = Present Moment Awareness.

To reiterate, we as thought - as the Conscious Mind stays present in or attends with our attention the subconscious mind, which is Ever Present, is the first level of Soul Awareness. If we stay within the depths of the Subconscious as Present Moment Awareness, we will soon no longer be IN the moment but will know ourselves AS the Moment. Our Presence is the Present. In time we go deeper into the Soul to one's true and eternal Soul that is an expression of one's true and eternal Spirit, whereupon we are raised up and merge as the Soul itself. We no longer have to put any effort in staying Present and the Presence, as we are no longer operating from Vessel or Mind-Consciousness but from our true and eternal Consciousness that has dominion over all Effect as Cause.

In this manner we live from the inside out, rather than through the negative feedback loop of the ego that lives from the outside in, in which the eyes of flesh behold an image outside of us, hold it in mind through a judgment, which causes the subconscious emotional body to rise in an unnatural emotion, that in turn causes the mind to rise in a responding thought. Around and around the ego goes repeating history while reaffirming false images created by a mind cut off from its Truth, its Source or Cause.

You will also note that without the thinking mind, a false and personal sense of Self cannot exist, for what are you without the thinking mind that creates memories, conditions and expectations through ideas, judgement, concepts and beliefs? You will find instead that you begin to identify as the One Spirit being many persons, rather than a person or a mind/body theorizing the reality of Spirit. The personal sense of Self can never know Spirit for the ego is an illusion and Spirit is reality. They are like oil and water. They never mix - they never can.

To conclude, the only way to stop the conscious mind from rising outside its Temple is to focus it. When the conscious mind is focused on and as one thought (such as being Awareness) it stays as a single thought. Do you see? Holding one thought will starve all other thoughts, like all voices are drowned out when you give you full attention to one person speaking.

Try focusing on something now. You will see that while your mind is focused it cannot notice anything else. It cannot rise into a stream of thought that will take your presence away from your temple of Awareness, your temple of being NOW. You can practice the focusing of thought, on your breath or a candle or whatever you like. However, this practice is only readying you for keeping your conscious mind present (focused) in your own Awareness that is Ever Present.

To conclude, all you need do to know reality - to live in your truth, is to be mentally still within the moment, guided by intuition, rather than rising out of Present Moment Awareness into the unreality of thoughts. By doing this one creates the truth through true images, rather than lies through false images such as poverty, sickness, death and war, etc.

~ Tracy Pierce

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