Consider the conscious mind as Adam and the subconscious as Eve. Eve is the body of Adam like Awareness (Soul) is the activity of Consciousness (Spirit). The mind was born in the image of the true Self which is Soul being Spirit. The conscious mind is the vessel for Spirit and the subconscious is the vessel for Soul.
One could say together, Spirit and Soul have birthed their son, the mind (or Incarnate Soul) into physicality. Unified as One, both Spirit and Soul could be termed God or Allah or Monad. Whatever name you want to attribute to the totality of 'Being' - of Life living itself. Once again, the son of God aka the mind, reflects both Adam (Yin) and Eve (Yang). Or Spirit and Soul. I Spirit Am Soul being I conscious mind am subconscious mind.
One's thoughts (conscious mind) and feelings (subconscious mind) must be in harmony and working together as One, before the Spirit of Truth raises the mind up allowing for the Holy Spirit or Intuition to flow through one's mind or temple unobstructed. Spirit cannot BE at home in a house divided against itself, nor will one be conscious of Spirit, if one's consciousness is not in its temple but lost to ego-generated thoughts.
Moreover, if intuition is given (and it is) how will you be able to tell the difference between your own thoughts, world thoughts and true thought (knowing) in a mind that is divided against itself and full of its own thoughts?
The mind must first find peace within itself before the Peace that passes all understanding makes the temple its home.
If one's thoughts are in turmoil, (meaning divided against each other) then one's feelings will be chaotic, releasing chemicals that bombard the body, putting it under unnecessary stress and dis-ease. If there is no balance nor harmony between the conscious and subconscious minds then the demonstration of your Spirit's physical manifestation will be diluted, divided, and ultimately destroyed.
Your outer world will reflect the false images of an egoic mind as opposed to the true images of the true Self as Spirit being Soul.
Allow your conscious mind aka thought to sit in the moment with the subconscious in order to become conscious of all that you have repressed emotionally. Once the emotional or pain body is healed and resting in peace with thought (conscious mind) the mind becomes a perfect channel or is in perfect alignment with its true Self as Awareness being our true and full Consciousness.
~ Tracy Pierce