Love is love's reward - John Milton
Until you realize your own soul you probably will not recognize your soul mate. Moreover, you will not attract your soulmate for like attracts like.
Rather you will attract what you are: an ego that is still in need of healing. Someone that is false will attract to themselves another that is false. The ego is a false sense of Self.
If you are still bleeding from past hurts, you will attract someone else that is also bleeding. The end result is both of you ending up in a bloody relationship that causes more pain than pleasure.
It is best to heal and be strong in the love of your own Self, before you offer yourself to another, not only for your sake but theirs too.
Remember that the type of intrapersonal (relationship with self) relationship you have with yourself, will dictate your interpersonal relationships you have with others. This is because in truth there are no others. There is only conscious projections of the One Self, which you will know yourself as when you realize the truth of your existence - the reality of your beingness.
A Soul mate is merely someone you can merge as one with more easily than you can others and that shares an intentional and purposeful life path that sees them walking the road less travelled alongside you for a time or a lifetime.
On your way back home to yourself, understand also that you could be the most honest person in the world yet still end up with the most dishonest due to believing you either deserve this or because you harbour a fundamental belief that people are, overall, essentially dishonest or unkind. This kind of belief if held in mind as true will bear fruit of its kind. If you believe you deserve nothing better than dishonestly or unkindness, the world will mirror this belief to you, whether it is true or not or whether you are deserving or not.
Often, we are not conscious of emotional habits and beliefs we have formed throughout our lifetime, so relationships are surprisingly and/or shockingly good at uncovering what we have hidden from ourselves while we were running from our pain. Addictions seen in distractions like alcohol, drugs, social media etc are what we use to dampen the pain trying to surface. When we give these things up, they pain we buried has no choice but to surface and we have no choice but to deal with this long-buried pain. However, doing so frees us, allowing us to love more freely, more authentically.
If you want to change the kind of relationships you are experiencing in the world, change the relationship you have with yourself. It all begins and ends with the Self. This is true in regard to those closest to us as well as mere acquaintances and people we work with.
It's only a matter of time before you look around and see your soul mate in all creatures great and small.
~ Tracy Pierce