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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


Updated: Aug 24, 2022

Now is not a description of time - it is a reflection, a vessel for and of the One Soul directed by Spirit. Now is an alive state of being. More alive than what you can conjure up in thought. The now always in all ways lives outside of thought. To be here and Now, one must be outside of thought for thought is illusion while Now is reality. When you think about eating an ice-cream compared to actually eating an ice-cream, what is reality? Can you see the difference? Can you see why it is so important to keep your consciousness present in the moment rather than thought? Can you see why the being (meditative) mind is superior to the thinking mind?

Everything we attest to with the five senses is mind out pictured - manifested - demonstrated. Everything. The Soul aka Awareness is reflected in and as the subconscious of both the individual and the collective. The Soul/Awareness therefore is also reflected in the present moment from which all experience is derived. Soul aka Awareness is the activity or body of our true and full Consciousness as Spirit. Spirit directs or impregnates the Soul to produce mind. The mind is an effect to the Soul being Spirit.

The mind being the son of them both is born in their image. This is why the conscious (Consciousness) and subconscious mind (Awareness) as well as the present moment is called a reflection or image of the true Self. The true Self being (I) Spirit (AM) Soul. Spirit works through all of them, albeit unconsciously to the egoic mind. For example, the subconscious mind keeps us alive while we unconsciously live. It works all our bodily systems without any conscious effort on our part. We breathe, we digest food, etc all without any conscious effort, all without being taught how too. The conscious mind might aptly be seen as a wave that rolls out from the body of the subconscious. Hence many a guru will advise keeping the conscious mind steady in the Awareness of the subconscious and present moment - the subconscious and the present moment being known in many circles as the 'heart' - both being a reflection of the Soul being Spirit. Once mind consciousness is kept meditatively still in the awareness of the subconscious and present moment and the emotional body has been healed, one’s conscious awareness expands ever deeper or further into the depth of one's being as Awareness (Soul) being Consciousness (Spirit).

"Entering the Heart means remaining without distractions. The Heart is the only reality. The mind is only a transient phase. To remain as oneself is to enter the Heart". - Sri Ramana Maharshi

Our true Consciousness aka Spirit works through the Soul, the Soul works through the subconscious mind and the subconscious in turn works through the conscious mind as much as the conscious mind works through the subconscious to produce in the physical. This is often why we get mixed results for the subconscious not only serves mind consciousness it also serves our true and full Consciousness. This is why we see the conscious mind in its egoic state working towards its own agenda while the subconscious via the direction of our true Consciousness work on our true life purpose. This explains why we can have both truth and false images live in the world today. The ego for this reason often destroys delays or distorts the pure demonstration of its true Consciousness as Spirit. Once the conscious and subconscious minds are working as One, this One mind works with one's true Consciousness through the Awareness of Soul. In this manner the two 'I am (Spirit) that I am (mind)' merge as One. This is when the mind realizes the true Self aka Self-Realization. The subconscious mind is more than a servant to the conscious mind. It is also a servant to our true Consciousness and that works through Soul as Awareness.

One is able to discern now, when you are present in the Now, you give life to Soul. When you are present in thoughts, you give life to the egoic idea of Soul. Now is beyond words perhaps so I will end as I begun. Now is not a description of time.

~ Tracy Pierce

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