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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


When one starts being in the moment, through the cessation of taking thought (Thinking) one starts being the moment itself. Can you see the rather significant difference? If you are not caught up in the process of thinking, there is no personal you, for it is thoughts alone that create a personhood separate to the reality of being Spirit which is always in all ways impersonal - which as the ONE collective expresses itself through the personal. The I of Spirit constitutes the billions of 'I's' we call ourselves. Consider this deeply and you will see how true this is. There is only the moment being itself. There is only life living you.

One does not get in a car and say, 'I am this car' and then drives. No, rather one gets in the car, drives it, and then leaves it with no particular attachment to said car. This is what you must do with the mind and body. You must not identify with it. Of course, this is impossible if you do not know yourself as Spirit. Until you know yourself as Spirit, you will believe your life depends on the mind and body - a vehicle that most assuredly will one day pass away and morph into yet another vehicle that both serves the whole and the individual.

The only way to know Thy Self as Spirit is to forget yourself as form. Forget to think and just be the moment as it unfolds. When thought and feelings are no longer there to distract your consciousness, you will notice or realize the Soul beneath or behind them. Your true Self. The true Self of all Souls and being. The true Self - Spirit (I) being Soul (Am) will guide you through 'Knowing' Aka 'Faith' or 'Claircogizance' that you could if you like call a superior way of thinking - only it is not thinking - it is being.

What a freeing revelation this is!!!

What Rumi is saying, in this quote is dive into the moment and forget yourself - BE the whole entire moment of life! Don't jump into the sea with thoughts of being in the sea. Jump into the sea being the Sea. Your thoughts about reality and reality itself are two different things. Realize this and Thy Self will, in time reveal itself to yourself.

The act of incessant thinking separates you from being in and of the moment. The Subconscious is the door to the Spiritual Realms. It is the Temple. If one as the 'Conscious Mind' Aka thought (Which we all identify with) is not in its Temple but risen and present in its own self-generated thoughts, (Another place entirely) then it is not present in its Temple, as the Presence to receive Spiritual intuition - guidance - illumination. You will then give life to your own unconscious egoic thoughts in the physical, rather than the thoughts, intuition, illumination etc given from and as Spiritual Consciousness - the true Self working through its instrument.

You cannot be in two places at once. You cannot be in your thoughts and the present moment at the same time. You should realize this when you are trying to have a conversation with someone who is on their phone - present with whoever is on social media. You will not have their attention - their consciousness attending you. They are not present with you. You cannot be in two places at once, serving two masters. Thinking prevents you from being present. Being must be felt and experienced. It cannot be thought. Being is feeling the Now. Thinking is being outside of Now.

We as the Conscious Mind Aka 'Thought' must marry our Subconscious Mind and heal it so that the door to the Spiritual realms remains open. It closes when we think and defile it. It opens when we are being. Being is knocking on the door.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 7:7-8

~ Love Tracy

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