We are meant to live from the inside out. We as mind are meant to reveal creation flowing through us as Spirit. Not create life as a mind, ignorant of ourselves Spirit, while reacting to outside stimuli that causes us to recreate history. We are not meant to live from the outside in, nor are we as mind mean to create or recreate life, for life already is. We as the mind are here to witness life unfolding as it is. Period. This is why we are told over and over again, let it be, accept the moment for what it is without resistance. Resistance being thought or thinking.
Spirit is like the Sun; the sky is like the mind and thoughts are like clouds. Clouds block the rays of the Sun from beating down on the earth allowing it to grow. Clouds distort, delay and destroy the pure light of the Sun from demonstrating and manifesting its purity of light. Instead, what is manifested is the darkness of the clouds.
Cause creates life. Not Effect - not mind. It may appear as if mind does, however that is an illusion, albeit a very convincing one. If you, as the conscious mind/Inner I aka thought, are not holding Spirit within mind, then you cannot bring your true life forward into manifestation. Instead, you will bring forth the only thing you know - an egoic life created by false images - false thoughts, as a mind cut off from its Source. They are not true images as they did not originate from Spirit. They originated from the mental realm which is beneath Spirit. This means you will be creating from separation, limitation and duality which are the attributes of the mental realm.
The world is perceived after we as mind generate it from the mental realm. Therefore, we react to our own creations of thought. Mental concepts that arise as a reaction to what we perceive out there in the world. This is the negative feedback loop I always talk about in regard to the ego.
We think thoughts and react to them emotionally. The deepest felt thought will stick in our subconscious and will eventually be manifested into the physical world for us to experience. Now remember your subconscious is only part of the collective subconscious, so if 99% of the world deeply believe cancer is a reality, then you are subject also to that belief, even if you do not personally believe it. By taking thought - any thought, we become a part of the Matrix - the One universal mind in its egoic state. We will all be subject to universal karma just like we are subject to our own.
It is important to remember that individuality is an illusion. There is only ONE Spirit, One Soul, One mind. If 99% of all brain cells in your mind believe in something, that 1 brain cell that doesn't, will be affected by that belief due to being a part of the mind. There is only one hope for that brain cell and that is to stop thinking and exit the matrix while still being a part of the mind. In its stillness it connects with a higher aspect of being (Spirit) and disconnects to the matrix. Therefore, it is no longer subject to the universal mind like it once was. Instead, it is led by its true Self as Spirit to still waters. It is not that one has left the dream of mind, rather one has woken up in it and is therefore no longer subject to its delusions.
We must cease recreating history in different forms at different times by keeping an intuitively meditative mind, allowing what is within us, beyond our egoic thoughts, to rise up and come forth as the truth of our BEING - not our thinking. Remember the ego, being unconscious of Spirit, starts to create from the mental realm rather than being still and revealing the true images of Spirit. True images of Spirit carry no karma as they are not created from duality but oneness of being. Love has no karma. Cause and effect are One.
Thought aka the conscious mind or Inner I has the ability to give life to whatever it beholds. Whatever we hold in mind we create. Are we holding our reactions to our egoic creations in mind or are we holding no-thing in mind as we sit in Present Moment Awareness (meditation) waiting for intuitive guidance to reveal itself? This is the million-dollar question. The Inner I must always be in meditation, in its temple to receive guidance from Spirit, while it is also physically present in the world of images.
When we use our eyes, our senses to interpret and discern the truth of our being and our life we create life from the outside in which of course sees history repeating itself again and again as evidenced by world history. We see something outside of us, hold it in our minds, react to this image within our minds and recreate it again and again. This is not how life should be lived. Life should not be one ground hog day after another.
Instead, we must hold our conscious mind in our own awareness of being, which is also the awareness of the moment. In this meditative state of being that is open and receptive intuitively, we allow life to unfold as our Soul intended. Our images come from the inside out. Without taking thought, we are no longer inadvertently or ignorantly creating or recreating life but allowing the flow of Spirit to fill our minds, inspiring new thought while allowing life to naturally unfold as it is meant to do. We allow ourselves to align with our Spirit, Soul, subconscious, and present moment. The conscious mind is meant to be a witness not a creator.
We must stop getting lost in mental concepts (Thinking) that recreate our past traumas and start allowing our life to unfold from the inside out. Be (mentally) still & know that I AM. As soon as your mind is still, Spirit will raise you up and guide you through the Holy Ghost aka Intuition, serendipity, and synchronicity.
~ Tracy Pierce