Thought rises out of the Incarnate Soul aka subconscious like a wave does the sea. The Sea, which is the totality of everyone's subconscious is the vessel for Soul. Therefore, both the subconscious and present moment are projected by Awareness which is an activity of being like love is. In fact, Awareness aka Soul is love. Likewise, the One Soul is the activity of our true and full Consciousness/Spirit. Soul is embodied by Spirit in the same way mind is embodied by Soul. One inside the other like multi-dimensional Russian Dolls.
The mind is like a mirror that projects into the physical whatever is held within itself, or put another way, whatever it is conscious of. The mind is not the true Self or true Consciousness - this is important to understand. The thoughts you are thinking using the consciousness of the mind vessel is not your true Self.
If this mind is not aligned with its own Awareness/Soul then it is egoic which means it creates false thoughts, rather than true one's born of Spirit. The mind is a physical/ mental vessel/form for the true Self as Spirit which of course is formless. If the I am of mind is not aligned with the I am of Spirit, then one is what is called 'bearing false witness'. You are seeing the world through the eyes of the mind and body rather than the I of Spirit.
The mind is the bridge between the physical and the Spiritual having a foot in each camp. The mind is both physical and metaphysical. It is a container for our true Self that is the formless One being many. In other words, the one Consciousness lives in all beings great and small. Like electricity that is formless lives in the form of the toaster and the lightbulb.
The mind/body is the vessel for Spirit/Soul to know and experience itself in form. The physical is just a denser version of the mental. All is mind. The conscious mind represents Spirit while the subconscious mind represents the Soul.
The conscious mind which is the producer of thought must always stay present or conscious in its own awareness which renders a meditative mindset that is - alert focused Awareness. Awareness constituting the subconscious/present moment/Soul. So, thought must not rise into more thought outside its temple but be led by intuitive Awareness while abiding in and as the moment/temple. The minute one start thinking one is no longer present in the moment where the mind and Spirit meet.
The Buddha or Christ mind is achieved by holding a meditative mind that is present in Spirit as Awareness - as the moment. It is done by mindfulness which is moving meditation. It is done praying without ceasing in the realization you are the prayer. It is done by being consciously aware now. By being so deeply present in the moment that one becomes the presence of it. It is about allowing one's conscious awareness of mind to merge seamlessly with the awareness of Soul that is embodied by the Consciousness of Spirit. It is about alignment and Oneness.
The I am that is mind must merge seamlessly with the I am of Spirit. By first becoming conscious of ourselves as Awareness, we become conscious of ourselves as the ultimate Conscious (I) Awareness (AM).
Thought must become conscious of being awareness. The conscious awareness of the son must become consciously aware as the Soul in and of Spirit. This is Spirit experiencing as Spirit multi-dimensionally.
~ Tracy Pierce