The Conscious Mind Aka Thought is Localized Consciousness. It is a vessel or instrument for our true Consciousness as Spirit. It constitutes 5 - 10% of our mind.
In order to become conscious of our true Consciousness as Spirit, we must come to know our own Soul aka Awareness for Spirit only works through the Soul. Therefore, as mind or thought, we must also.
The Subconscious, the Present Moment, the Incarnate Soul are all differentiations of the One Soul - our true and eternal unmanifest body of Spirit.
The Subconscious Mind represents what we as Localized Consciousness aka thought, or Conscious Mind are conscious of in regards to ourselves as Soul to date. Each lifetimes sees us become more conscious of ourselves as Awareness aka Soul.
Therefore, we start off with our own subconscious by purifying it. We make conscious what is unconscious, through sitting in our pain and trauma rather than distracting ourselves with thinking and addictions etc. Once conscious of what does hinder us, we heal it through self-reflection and divine reasoning. By doing this our Conscious Mind aka thought is able to hold a deeper stillness within the heart aka Subconscious.
As we learn how to meditate and practice mindfulness (praying without ceasing) our consciousness expands within and as our Awareness to become conscious of ourselves the Now - knowing we are all we are conscious of. It then deepens further as we come to know ourselves as the Incarnate Soul which is what we will know ourselves as after death if we do not realize it now through Awakening. The Incarnate Soul is the vessel of Spirit being Soul.
Once the Consciousness of mind and the Consciousness of Spirit meet and merge, Self-Realization is experienced.
~ Tracy Pierce