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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


There is really only the spiritual and the reflection of the spiritual which is the physical. Therefore, there is the real which is the invisible and the unreal which is the visible.

I Spirit Am Soul that I conscious mind (thought) am (Emotion) subconscious. I am that I am is the name of God aka True Self.

Physical matter (Effect) is like your (Cause) reflection in the mirror. It is most definitely you, however it is not REALLY you is it. It is but a reflection with no life of its own.

The mind is like a drawbridge between the Spiritual and the physical. If the draw bridge is up rising in thought, Spirit will not be able to flow through the mind manifesting the fruits of Spirit in the physical. The mind cannot recreate what it is not conscious of. The mind therefore will reflect its own thoughts created in the absence of Spirit. Thoughts that have risen from the mental realm as opposed to the Spiritual realm.

The mind which is twofold sits in between the real and the unreal. One's Conscious mind is a reflection and potential vessel of one's Spirit from which intuition is derived if it the vessel is filled with the Holy Ghost. Likewise, the subconscious mind reflects the Soul and from which instinct originates. The subconscious extends into and as the present moment which is why it is important to read 'signs' everywhere every day for it IS your actual Soul talking to you - beckoning you home.

If the conscious and subconscious mind are not working together harmoniously as a channel or bridge that is down, then this causes a disruption in the outward flow of Spirit coming into the world with all our added things.

This all being said, it is clear the mind must then be held like an open-ended single thought held attentively in Present Moment Awareness. Open to Spirit while being to the physical world impersonally. This state of mind is known as a still mind that apperceives over perceives.

Apperception is impersonal while perception is personal. Attention is a faculty of the conscious mind while awareness is a faculty of the subconscious. When one's attention remains still in the present moment it is also present in the awareness of the subconscious. When this happens, one is then said to be meditating. Awareness plus attention is an alert but relaxed state of mind that is being rather than thinking. Through the being mind, Spiritual intuition flows through as a knowing or Faith that guides us. We will know what to do, say, or be in any given moment. We will know as we are aligned with the omniscient - all knowing Soul of Spirit.

One's mind needs to remain open ended like a two-way door. Attending Spirit while aware of the moment. This in turn brings life to where there was none or makes conscious the unconscious.

Taking thought instantly closes the open ended-ness of awareness (Closed mind) focusing all ones Presence or attention on mind-created thoughts rather than the awareness of Soul. To do this is to create an ego - a mental concept of life rather than allowing reality to assert itself by and through the Awareness of the true Self being Soul aka Present Moment. Remember the Present Moment is the Vessel for Soul and Soul is the activity or body of Spirit.

Spiritual vision is only given to those with an open mind. The "I" (Third eye) which is the spiritualized conscious mind aka thought, sits within the subconscious/ present moment, open to receive intuition that comes in the form of knowing.

Be mentally still and know that I am. In this manner one is liberated from the egoic mind while realizing the true depth of one's Being Spiritually.

~ Tracy Pierce

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