An Ego happens when Mind Consciousness becomes unconscious of itself as Spiritual Consciousness or more aptly put when Spiritual Consciousness projects an aspect of its Spirit into the Omega Aka Form. As soon as the Alpha falls from Grace to inhabit and mould form into its likeness, it falls asleep, forgetting itself in the process, in the same way we forget ourselves when we fall asleep and become the witness of the dream.
Spiritual Consciousness projects (A projection or aspect of Spiritual Consciousness Aka Holy Ghost) itself into the Son Aka Omega, thereby identifying with Mind Consciousness which in turn creates a false persona that is fictional. Rather than knowing Thy Self as the One Alpha projecting itself into various forms within and as the Omega, the Holy Spirit within and as the Son identifies as the Consciousness of Mind and Body. We give ourselves a name, a birth date, and a death certificate etc, as well as personifying all memories and experiences in between.
This is unfortunate because in doing so, we limit ourselves to the form, rather than being free with the Spiritual Vision of the Alpha itself. We lose connection not only with our true and eternal self but with each other also, as we only know our Oneness in and of Spirit. Appearances will deceive the ignorant Son believing itself to be Mind Consciousness (Form) rather than the formless Alpha. Because we identify with form, we fear death all our lives, which retards the way we live.
This is the Ego - a false personal sense of identity we make of the form we put on as a costume. Or rather an instrument as it is often referred to. This instrument is tempered and modified over many lifetimes through living so that eventually the instrument is a perfect instrument for and as the Alpha - the true Self. Once the instrument becomes like a clear mirror the in which the Alpha can recognize itself in, Self-realization is experienced.
The only way for mirror to become clear is for the active thinking mind to morph into the Being Mind, which is still, allowing for a reflection. This is done through right thinking first and foremost, as in understanding the right principles involved and then to develop the being mind through meditation and mindfulness.
The Ego can only live through the thinking mind which can NEVER be in the present moment. Only the Being mind can.
Can you see how the Ego is actually non -existent? This person who you identify with does not actually exist except in the imagination of the ignorant one. The false self fully dies as soon as the true Self is revealed. Sort of like a relay race where the baton is passed on.
~ Love Tracy