What Sri Ramana is basically saying is there is no need, in fact it is detrimental, to employ thought in arriving at self-realization for it is thought that veils the true Self. It is ironic that one has to employ a lot of thought to realize it is thinking that is the problem, the veil itself. One is of course always the true Self, is always realized. It is the delusion of thought that fools us into thinking we are not. The thinking mind obscures the Being mind that merges - disappears into the mind-Soul and then again into the One Soul that is One with the One Spirit.
So long as your presence aka consciousness or conscious mind, is caught up in thought looking for the truth, it will never adopt a singular meditative mind needed for the realization of Spirit acting as Awareness. When one's presence as the vessel of Spirit is not rising in a continual stream of thought, it is free instead to expand into its own subconscious awareness that is one with the moment and which holds the door to the Spiritual realm. This is realized if the spiritual aspirant's mind is able to keep still long enough to expand in awareness rather than rise in thought disconnected and uninspired by Spirit. It is only through the Mind-Soul and the Soul itself that the vessel of Consciousness (Conscious mind or I-thought) meets its true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit.
One's presence or consciousness of mind must stay in the Now, quiet - serene - listening (open-hearted), rather than being distracted by numerous thoughts rising in and of the mind itself. It is only the living temple of Now that is 'Awareness' that intuition arrives and is heard. Rarely is intuition heard through the conscious mind that has not been sitting in Present Moment Awareness. How would one know the difference between egoic thought and intuitive thought when there are so much noise running around one's mind?
The subconscious which is not a thinker is always in Present Moment Awareness. This is our Temple that the conscious mind aka Inner I or I-thought must stay in. If the mind rises in thought, it rises out of this Temple. This is why Jesus said the mind must stay unleavened - unrisen.
Jesus called the egoic mind Satan. While meditating in the garden he speaks here of being plagued by thought as we all are when we begin to discipline the mind in meditation. Peter, one must remember is a thought - not an actual person for the bible is allegorical - not literal.
Jesus (Zen or Christ Mind - Spirit) turned and said to Peter (Thought), “Get behind me, Satan! (Mind or thought). You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” - Matthew 16:23
There is a time for thinking most certainly. There is a time for talking likewise. However, often we talk too much and listen to little don't we. Likewise with thinking. Being is listening to Spirit until one knows oneself as Spirit. It is being guided from above. Let us be guided by the being mind - not the thinking mind. Let us partake from the tree of life, not the tree of knowledge.
Be mentally still and know that I AM beyond the I am-ness of mind.
~ Tracy Pierce
