As the accompanying quote by Wei Wu points out, there is not an actual ''person per se, as this person we refer to as being ourselves, is akin to a heart cell believing it has a life of its own, apart from the body. To believe as the mind and body that you have a life of your own is like the kidney cell forgetting its role within the body due to forgetting its role AS the body. Forgetting the role, it plays in being a part of the whole, you can imagine the ramifications of this kidney cell forgetting its Source - its Origin will bring about. Rather than work with the body, it will work against it. An individual cell going against the whole as 'a body’, would be like a single wave trying to resist the current of the sea. We don't want the cells of our body forming an individual Consciousness. We do not want as a mind/body to only be conscious of ourselves as an individual. We must be conscious of ourselves as the Impersonal being the personal - this is the difference between a realized person and one that is not. If cells in the body forget their life in relation to the body's life, we call these kinds of cells cancer cells and that is exactly what the ego is. It is like a branch cut off from the vine: A rebel without a cause. It will grow at the expense of the whole just like the 1% do on this planet.
Spiritual Consciousness confusing itself with Mind Consciousness is when all our problems begin. Seemingly. The Fall. The fall from Spiritual Consciousness whereby one as the Alpha falls from being omniscient, to the level of Mind Consciousness within and as the Omega, in which one barely knows anything. This fall is the beginning of the Alpha shaping the Omega into its own image and likeness. Centuries of one life leading into another, as felt by the Alpha within the Omega (Holy Spirit) sees the tempering of the Temple. A Temple prepared for the Coming of the Lord. In other words, the mind is the Temple of Spirit and is shaped, lifetime after lifetime, into the image and likeness of its true Self as Spirit. Understand the Omega being of a much denser Consciousness, works in and as a cyclic process. At the level of Omega Consciousness, everything is experienced as time and space, however in reality there is no time nor space, therefore, everything that can be created has been. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is experienced by the Omega, as one that sees distant stars that have exploded billions of years ago. It is all illusion.
Identification with Mind/body Consciousness is often referred to as the original sin for all sin originates from this misidentification. Instead of life being created from the Spiritual realm as Spirit, one creates from the mental realm as mind. Rather than creating from a place of wholeness and unity, one creates from a place of dualism and separation. The consciousness of Mind is temporary. Mind Consciousness is a Temple, made for the eternal and infinite Self as Spiritual Consciousness or the Alpha. If one identifies as a form within the Omega, such as Mind/body consciousness, they will fear one day not existing, for the forms of the Omega are always in all ways transitory. Worse yet the mind cannot master the mind, only Spirit can do that. Ask any addict what a problem that is!
Understand clearly - very clearly - that the Consciousness of Mind and the Consciousness of Spirit - the two I am that I am's cannot merge as ONE unless the Consciousness of Mind embodies the Zen or Christ Mind which is the Being/Meditative Mind. This is because the personal cannot survive Present Moment Awareness. The personal sense of Self is only kept alive by the Soul behind Mind, touching the personal Mind. Meaning by 'taking thought as the Conscious Mind rather than being still and receiving our daily bread (Unleavened bread) by Spiritual Consciousness. I say this because there are billions of people out in the world creating thought as Mind Consciousness cut off from Spiritual Consciousness like a branch from the vine. All they create is false images born out of ignorance. Chaos.
Like a runaway train without a driver, the mind ignorant of itself as Spirit, incessantly creates one false image Aka thought after another. Unfortunately, these thoughts do nothing more than impede and resist the perfect life trying to unfold through the Subconscious via the true Self as Spirit (I) being Soul (Am). The true Self as the Alpha works through the Omega, which is mind, firstly within the Subconscious that remains virginal (As one emotion - at peace as love) then as the Witness that makes all things Conscious - in other words gives physical life too.
These false images Aka thoughts originate from Mind Consciousness, not Spiritual Consciousness. They cannot come from Spiritual Consciousness as the Mind was not in its Temple when creation took place, so it is the Son or Mind Consciousness that causes the Subconscious (Human Soul) to create false images upon the earth such as disease and war etc.
Mind Consciousness Aka Omega has no Cause or life of its own, therefore any images Aka thoughts created via Mind Consciousness are not real as they are created from a mind in the throes of insanity while cut off from its Source. From the vantage point of Spirit, egoic minds are nothing more than zombies scribbling all over creation. For though the conscious mind creates 5% of our reality, our true Self creates the rest of our being, life, and reality via the subconscious, unconsciously.
You as the Spirit of the Alpha within the Omega, have created a life out of thoughts that have no basis in reality. Thoughts that have been created from a mind that has no experience of its true Spiritual Consciousness, therefore creates a false reality. You cannot consciously create heaven if you are not conscious of heaven (True Self). Spirit has mistaken itself to be the bundle of thoughts with a body, effectively spitting out one delusional thought after another to create a reality which is not real at all. The mind irrespective of these delusions unconsciously asserts life without connection to its Spirit as real, saying if we cannot attest to life within the parameters of mind, of the senses, then it cannot possibly be real. The mind in its gross ignorance measures truth and existence with physicality even though, the mind knows it is consciousness and that as consciousness we no form. If it did, we would most certainly know what and where consciousness was and be able to use and control it like we do everything else. We cannot use and control Spiritual Consciousness because the senses can only attest to physicality.
The egoic mind, due to complete ignorance of its true Self as Conscious Awareness, is out of complete alignment with every other dimension and aspect of its being. It is barely conscious of its subconscious which means its whole life is lived more or less unconsciously for that is where our Vasana's lie. Vasana's are what cause us to reincarnate. They ensure harmony is always maintained. Completely unconscious of itself as Soul being Spirit, one has very little presence or consciousness of 'The Now'. This being the case, the egoic mind does more to impede its true life rather than help it come to fruition. The egoic mind cannot do the work of Spirit if it has no consciousness of itself Spirit. The mind cannot think what it does not know. We as a species cannot manifest what we have no understanding or knowledge of.
The conscious mind in its egoic state creates ill informed, delusional images that do more to impede life than create it. This is why we see disease in a body whose blueprint in the Zen or Christ Mind is perfect. Why animals that should live freely with love are extinct, why we are destroying our perfect atmosphere, our perfect planet. Why we hurt and maim each other for 'things' of the world. It is only in and as Spirit - as Undifferentiated Awareness aka Soul, that we know and experience our Oneness with each other and the rest of the world. Without this understanding, we live in separation, not only from our true Self, but with each other.
We will stop doing these things for ourselves when we realize there is no Self apart from the One Spirit. There is only the One Spirit being many and we are that One. This needs to be experienced and known. When it is the mind will then reassert its true station in life and reveal life rather than create Life.
~ Tracy Pierce